The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Author:Wattpad Club Reader
Chapter: 1264
State: complete
Views: 47K

Synopsis about The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

A former heiress with a tarnished reputation is getting married despite societal disapproval. On her wedding day, a fire breaks out, and her fiancé saves her stepsister instead of herself. The heroine survives but is injured and unconscious. When she wakes up in the hospital, her family informs her that her man loves her stepsister and they want her to annul her engagement. She refuses and confronts her father about his own infidelity. Determined to take control of her life, the heroine stands up to her family and asserts her independence.
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All Chapters of The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Chapter 1 - The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Chapter 1The former top heiress of North City was getting married, despite her reputation that was left in tattersfor her alleged debauchery.Naturally, high society was left in an uproar once word got out.…CordySachs, who was dressed in a Franconia designer wedding dress, was looking at the reflection of herdazzling, beautiful face in the mirror.After dating Kyle Wickham for three years, they were

Chapter 2 - The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Chapter 2Cordy turned toward the voice to find a boy who looked around five years old standing at the door ofher ward. He was dressed in a patient’s garb like her, and his little face was so beautiful one could nottake their eyes off him. At the same time, Cordy’s heart skipped a beat. She felt as if she was tuggedsomewhere in her body, but she could not quite describe it. The boy then ran up to h

Chapter 3 - The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Chapter 3Cordy was glaring coldly at Kyle. She was certainly disenchanted with him after heabandoned her to save Noel. However, forgiveness notwithstanding, she could afford to listen to anexplanation because they had been together for three years. And yet, she felt that asking for one wouldonly demean herself. On the other hand, Kyle turned to look at the other man and paused because hewas too good-looking.

Chapter 4 - The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Chapter 4Kyle headed to Sachs Mansion after leaving the hospital, with Simon Sachs asking him urgently, “DidCordy agree to annulling your engagement with her?” Kyle shook his head, his eyes fixed on theadorable yet docile Noel Sachs as he said mildly, “We’ve broken up. The annulment would just be amatter of time. Sorry to keep you waiting again, Noel.”“No, it’s alright.” Noel shook her head, her e

Chapter 5 - The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Chapter 5John spoke up just then, alleviating the awkwardness. “Dicky waited for you for over an hour. Heusually naps earlier.”Cordy’s heart skipped a beat, but she pursed her lips and said, “Actually, Mr.Levine, you could’ve just explained that I’m not his mommy.”John simply watched her with his blackeyes quietly then, and the sudden silence left Cordy wondering if she had misspoken.Still, she di

Chapter 6 - The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Chapter 6“Of course!” Cordy certainly came to like Richard a lot after spending a week with the boy. “I’ve left youmy number, so call me anytime you miss me. I’ll even come to meet you when I’m free.”“Liar, liar, pantson fire…”Cordy dropped to a crouch then, which took her considerable exertion.Nearby, thenonexistent man was left frowning as she tenderly tousled Richard’s hair from the same height

Chapter 7 - The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Chapter 7The vast meeting was filled with Starstream Group key executives, and Noel was standing on thepodium. She was about to speak as she assumed the post of CEO when she suddenly noticed Cordystanding at the door, and she froze.Simon, who was seated in the middle of the front row, turnedaround to look when he saw the weird look in Noel’s eyes.He glowered the instant he saw Cordy andsprang to h

Chapter 8 - The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Chapter 8As John’s eyes twitched, Randy continued, “Noel Sachs was supposed to be appointed as CEO, butwas left downtrodden after Ms. Sachs crashed her party. I wonder if things would go smoothly for Ms.Sachs after she took over, however, since Simon Sachs and Noel were in charge all this while.” Randythen noticed his boss tapping his long fingers on his desk intermittently.Cordy must be special t

Chapter 9 - The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Chapter 9After a while, Randy told John it was the time for the meeting, and John left his office. Kyle—who hadbeen waiting in the guest room—watched as all the executives walked past from behind the glasswall.“Is that Mr. Levine?” Kyle asked.Debbie the secretary glanced at the people outside, and quicklysaid, “Yes, Mr. Levine is on his way to a board meeting.”Kyle lowered his teacup and studied thepeople ou

Chapter 10 - The Debt of Love: A Life-long Redemption

Chapter 10“Reserved?” Noel exclaimed in shock. “It’s only 6 PM! Has there been a mistake there?”“There isn’t.I’m afraid I would have to ask you to leave.”“Why? We haven’t finished our food!” Mandy snapped—ever self-important, this naturally left her furious.“There’s no reason in particular. You’re just notwelcome in this premises.”“Don’t you know who I am?!”“No, I don’t,” the waiter replied plainl