
Chapter 0 - A Story of Struggle


It’s the twentieth century. There was a small village in India called Kaligarh. Kaligarh is a small village nestled between the mountains. Its nearest town is Kankroli, which is about 40 mills away from it. There are high hills all around Kaligarh, due to which it is difficult to live there. People live by cutting the hills, making homes between them. Most people do farming, some people also do wages. All the people there raise cattle in their homes, which is a major part of their lives. Generally, they raise cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep. These people sell the milk and ghee of animals, which earns them extra income. 2 people from the village buy this milk and ghee from the villagers and take them to the city and sell them. This gives them enough money to make a living. A river flows near the village. People use the water of this river as drinking water and for farming. Generally these people sow wheat in winter and maize in summer. Some people also sow cotton, barley, gram, urad, moong, moth, oilseeds, soybeans. In short, it is a happy village.

There lived a 17 year old boy named Sajan. Sajan – A lean boy who has a dark complexion. His eyes are black. He is of normal stature, his mouth is round like a moon, his hair is black. Sajan’s house apart from him, his father Harishchandra, his mother Lakshmidevi, his grandfather Chenaram, and a 14-year-old girl Khushboo lived.

Sajan was born in a poor family. Sajan’s father used to make bangles. There was a work of making bangles in the village itself. The house could barely run with this income. Sajan’s father was doing bangle making work for the last 25 years. He used to do his work with all hard work and honesty. He was one of the 20 Bangle makers in the village. He used to work on the furnace of fire, due to which his eyesight was greatly reduced.

His mother was a housewife. She used to take care of her animals. She used to wake up first in the house. She used to do all the household work. She worked for 18 hours a day. Her face looked old due to a lot of work, though she was only 37 years old.

Due to rain from the roof of Sajan’s house, water was dripping for three consecutive days. There were only two rooms in his house. His mother was doing housework in a chimney light. Sajan was sitting at the door silently watching the rain. He was thinking that if the rain stopped, he would go out to play. But suddenly the lightning strike and the saajan got a little scared. Sajan got up from there and went inside. The rain had started raining more and more now.

He had a torn old book. It is a thick book with a dark cover on it. There is a portrait of a king on the cover. He starts reading that book.

In that book, he is reading the story of a king that night, in which it was written that that king enjoys all the comforts of the world. That king is the husband of many women, and can enslave anyone whenever he wants. A king has a lot of wealth, many soldiers and slaves. That king can roam the whole world at his own will. The king is respected everywhere. He thinks – “I wish I were the king of nowhere”. After this he sleeps comfortably throughout the night.

In the morning, the sound of hen wakes him to sleep. He used to go to his cattle ranch every morning to extract milk from his buffalo. His cattle ranch was about 1 kilometer away from the house. His cattle ranch was very big. There were 10 buffaloes, 4 cows, 6 calves in that cattle ranch. The walls of that cattle ranch were made of white stones. The walls were about 4 feet high. The gate of that cattle ranch was made of acacia wood.

Today the rain stopped. Due to rain, mud was spread all around. Many pits were filled with water. Water was flowing on the roads. Mosquitoes started to grow in this dirty water. As always, Sajan had reached his cattle ranch even today. Today it took too much time to reach his cattle ranch. He took out the milk of all the cows and buffalo. But today when he was coming back with milk, only then he slipped due to the wet soil of the rain. The front two teeth of his mouth were broken. All his milk fell. His whole body was stained with mud. Today his day started quite badly. Sajan curses his destiny. Sajan is afraid to go home too. He thinks that if he goes home without taking milk, his mother will scold him. But he does not lose courage and decides to go home.

Today, when he went home empty-handed, his mother beat him and pacified his anger. Sajan ran out of his house crying. When Sajan saw people coming on the way, he became silent. He cleaned his face so that no one would know that he was crying. when all of a sudden,

She looked at a very beautiful girl. That girl will be around 15–16 years old. The girl was fair complexion. Her face was round like a watermelon. Her hair was almost touching the ground. She seemed to be a nymph of heaven. The dot of her forehead and necklace were enhancing her beauty. Sajan could not think of anything. He was carefully looking into the girl’s eyes. He was going down in the depths of his eyes. Then the girl came to him and asked him, where is the house of “Pulla Uncle”.

The girl asked with so much love that Sajan’s anger all subsided. He had almost lost his heart, when the girl asked him back, where is the house of “Pulla Uncle”. Sajan pointed to the nearby house. The girl smiled and thanked him and started leaving from there. Sajan wanted to talk to him, but he did not have so much courage. But until that girl did not enter Pulla Uncle’s house, Saajan kept watching her.

Sajan went from there to the nearby ground. He was about to play the field, but due to the rain, all the more grass had grown. Many animals came out of the ground due to rain.

There he sat on a stone. It was a white stone which was about 5 feet high from the ground. Sajan had some small stones in his hand. He was throwing those stones in pits of water. Suddenly he heard the voice of sarrr sarrr. There was a sandalwood tree nearby. He saw a snake there. The snake was black in color and would be about 3 feet tall. Sajan was not afraid of that snake because something else was going on in his mind today.

He was constantly thinking about that girl. He thinks that he is twisting his hands in the girl’s hair and looking at the girl smiling affectionately towards him. He was completely engrossed in thinking that suddenly the same black snake came out of his lot. Now, he suddenly senses. His heart was overwhelmed. He quickly left from there.

Now he was coming back towards his house. On the way he sees a woman. The woman is fighting her husband. The woman is saying that her daughter also has the right to read, while her husband is teaching only his son. The woman wants her daughter to move forward by reading and writing. The woman wants girls the right to equality with men. Her husband abuses her a lot but he is unable to stand in front of his wife. The woman ultimately does not give up and finally she convinces her husband. Sajan watches all this carefully and he makes two decisions –

(1) He decides that both men and women have the right to equality, so he will give the right to equality to his future wife. He will give importance to every woman in the world equal to men. He will never give less importance to women. As many rights as men have, women should have the same rights. They should also get equal opportunities for their development. They should also get all the comforts that men enjoy.

(2) He decides that the way the woman did not give up, he would never give up in his life. He will fight until he wins. And after all, it will be the one who will fight to achieve his goal with all his strength.

Now he reaches home. At home his mother is waiting for him. Even though, his mother had beaten him in the morning, but now he was worried about his son. She scolds Sajan a little and also shows love – where did you go? I was worried about you. Then his mother tells him to wash his hands and rhen she serve him food. Sajan eats food. And after eating food, washing his hands, thinks that my mother loves me very much. She had just beaten me in anger. If she doesn’t love me then why would she worry about me? She is very nice.

Sajan had studied up to 8th class. He used to read and write a little bit. He would always sit with his grandfather for a while after eating his food. He was 80 years old. He used to walk with the help of a wood. He always wore white colored dhoti kurta. He used to tie a pink turban on his head. Turban is a symbol of respect. His wife died from a disease. From then on he considered himself a little lonely. But when Sajan used to talk with him, he liked it very much. His nature was very good and sociable. He always gave good rites to Sajan. He believed that good and bad values determine the direction of human life. Therefore good deeds should be done. Good karma results are always good.

Sajan had a religious book. That gentleman would recite a verse of that book to his grandfather and then read its meaning out loudly. His grandfather used to praise him on reading verses. This was his daily work.

o sleep for a while. Sajan always slept 2 ti

. He thinks that at least he should have asked the girl’s name. If I ge

ircut. The barber shop was very small, in which a person could hardly sit down and get a haircut. The walls of that shop were so dirty that it seemed as if cleaning had not been done there for many years. When Sajan arrives at the barber’s shop, he sees a long line of people standing for haircuts.

p;– why? Are you leaving

jan: Oh&

you will not be able to get

p;haircut for the last 3 hours. There is always a crowd here.

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ays be restrained. Wait for your turn. If you do not keep restraint, then ther

nbsp;get it. Now you

the girl’s face. The girl also stares at his face. He moves towards that girl. In fact, the girl’s house is nearby. The boy

e. He asks the girl about her family. The girl states that her father is a businessman. They lend money to people an

the girl for 2 hours, he st

– what kind of&nbs

profession that earns a lot of money. The girl further says&nbs

thinks all the time that if he were rich, Ramaiya would marry him. But he knew that he was from a poor family. The

es, then he is not ready for work. After this, while walking along the path, we look at the government office. But he knows that he does not have enough studies to&

He cannot earn a lot of money from a bakery shop. He continues to think. Then there is a&nb

hroom for his bath. The bathroom was so small that a person could sit in it and take a bath. The bathroom walls were made of bricks. His door was made of iron. They bathe with gram flour ubtan in place of soap. Gram flour ubtan remove the filthiness of the body very well. It was traditiona

A vegetable and rotis were usually made in his house. They used to get

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to drink. Buttermilk is filled in a large glass of steel. The roasted cumin seeds are

ped his hands with an old blanket. Now there was some seriousness on his face. Sajan als

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“But what work will yo

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her said

re you for his work. Sajan also accepted this proposal and all the people had agreed to it. Sajan was also very happy with his father’s sup

fortably today. By the time Sajan woke up, his mother had prepared and packed food to eat on his way. Her younger sister packed her clothes. Her younger sister had tears in&

n’s father also came home after a while. His fath

jan said

tage and took her blessings. After this, he touched Grandpa’s stage and took blessings from him as well. Sajan’s younger sister embraced Sajan. Sajan’s mother said – Never forget the purpose for which you are going to

oam. The field – where I used to play, streets- where I used to roam with friends, the river from where the entire village us

ould say goodbye to that girl too. But this was not possible. Sajan

llock cart reached the city. After putting the bullock cart aside, Sajan reached the