
Chapter 1 - A Matter of Trust

He was due at work in two hours at Drummond Real Estate, where he worked as a mailroom clerk, was hired as an Information Technology Specialist in the IT and Accounting Department but yeah what a disaster that was.

He decided to take the extra time his nightmare had occasioned by walking to work instead of taking the bus. It was only a few miles, however, by not taking the bus, he saved the bit of money he had for a cup of coffee and a day-old donut at the diner. This morning, he would not go hungry. Maybe it would be a good day. 1

Donald K. Drummond, founder and CEO of Drummond Real Estate, strode into his Trenton office shouting, “No calls” to Sally Tierney, his long-time administrative assistant. Sally had been with Donald since he opened his own firm fifteen years before. When he decided to leave his old firm to open his own office, she packed her desk with composure and told Donald he would need her in the coming weeks while he prepared to open.

Donald told her he could not afford to pay her right away, Sally Tierney cast him one of her looks and said, “You’ll be able to pay me soon enough, Mr. Drummond, and then you’ll pay me more than I could ever get anywhere else.” With that, she handed her resignation to the receptionist on their way out the door.

Donald laughed at her. Moved by her loyalty, he repaid it many times in the intervening years. He tried to promote her, but his attempts failed and Sally’s rear remained firmly planted on the seat just outside his office. Sally proved right, as always.

rm, and he listened to her scolding and advice wh

double hung windows, covered in cherry wood plantation shutters. His large strong hands, with their blunt manicured fingers, absently stroked the burgundy watered silk pa

e hard planes of a lean torso and the bubbled cheeks of his former sub, Antonio’s, perfect ass while its owner un-wrapped his package for Donald’s exclusive attention. The unwrapping

becoming fashionable again and Donald Drummond and Drummond Realty played a huge role in helping to make it happen. He drew some satisfaction

n a dozen interviews and not one produced a candidate who could even aspire to become my

n a rural corner of Monmouth County, New Jersey. Until the nasty business with Antonio, which made him both the ultimate fool and cynic, Donald “The Bear” Drummond, was the Master Dominant at Indiscreet. Bear was Re

their abject ignorance, would irreparably harm a submissive with

e recalcitrant submissive, when in truth it was the

as a live-in submissive. His goal was to retrain the boy his master claimed to be incorrigible, and prove a point. Even if Antonio was not that Sir’s boy,