
Chapter 1 - A Love so Wrong.


The time had come. It was finally here. To say I had looked forward to this my whole life would be an understatement, My boyfriend was finally going to propose to me, I would now have that sparkling engagement ring on my finger and soon become a Mrs.

I may be sounding old school or desperate but I don't really care, I love love. 

I knew I was getting proposed to because well, Sam, my boyfriend had dropped a whole lot of hints even though he didn't mean to. I mean, I even saw a beautiful case with the most beautiful ring ever in his wardrobe and then he suddenly asked me out on a dinner date and told me to look good. Well... he didn't literally say that but, he was always a shy and nervous one so... yea.

And the venue he chose for the date? The famous Moon fountain! The most popular venue known for proposals in this city because of it's romantic sceneries and many more.

Only a dumb head will see all these signs and not get the hint. 

I was excited, that was quite obvious and as dramatic as I could be, Lara was definitely even more dramatic.

"When he kneels and pops that will you marry me question, girl, don't disappoint me by jumping up and down like someone who is desperate for a ring, please, else I'll disown you within a twinkle of an eye." Lara said while I looked at her, confused. 

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about. Am I not supposed to be happy about it? Stop being such a spoiler, okay? Remember that I'm about to get married and it deserves all the hype. When I get back, we are going to start planning the wedding with immediate effect." 

" Oh my goodness. Why don't you just go and meet him in a wedding dress then, huh? Gosh, you're such a drama queen." Lara gasped in a joking manner. 

"Oh come on! If that was possible, I'd do that too. By the way, are you sure that this dress is good enough for this event, I don't want to end up looking like I don't have dresses to wear to a dinner date. Do you think I should apply more make up?" I questioned for the zillionth time as I twirled around taking another look at the white dress in the lengthy mirror. 

The dress waist was wide, but it was a comfortable fit. A bow had been wrapped around me and rests gently on my belly. Below the waist the dress snug around me and had a straight style. The dress reached to just below my knees and was longer at the sides and back of the dress. I looked hot, if I were to say so myself. 

"Ugh! I've told you times without number that you look beautiful, both the dress and you, way too extra even. The dress is about to blind me and you can even decide to just go without makeup." Lara replied, rolling her eyes. 

"Oh, hell no, to the no no no. Not everyone is comfortable with their bare face, girl, especially for a big date like this. I'm not as confidentas you." I said making her laugh. 

"Whatever, just don't act this desperate in front of him. He might take you for granted." She lectured yet again. 

" Oh my God, Lara! I am desperate. How else would I act if not that way, huh?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Just act like you're neutral about it, okay? Don't inflate his already inflated ego even more, come on girl! By the way, I still think you're overdressed by the way. What's with this heavy makeup and shiny white dress, one might think you are wearing a wedding dress and that death trap called high heels, Beth! You might get so nervous and fall flat on your face as you walk to him!" Lara screamed. 

Yea! That was my best friend since childhood at her best. She was the most experienced and lucky one between us, and the one who got all the awesome guys too. Heck, Lara had three boyfriends if not more and she didn't believe in love unlike me who was a hopeless romantic and believed that love conquers all. To Lara? That was bullshit.  

"I won't fall down, Lara. Try and be positive for once, you're always allowing negativity." I replied her while she rolled her eyes. 

"Whatever, just come back early though!" She nagged like a mother. 

"No mummy, that's not possible. I'll be with my fiancée, probably cuddling him, riding him or doing something else as gratitude for the ring, you should know that." I said as I watched Lara's face contort in disgust and disappointment as soon as I said that. 

ty, a combination of beauty, brains and sophistication, you're a whole damn spec! Dead that nonsense thought, please, for

e back with all the gist tomorrow morning!" I said as I walked out the door. My driver already had my whit

ook at myself in the makeup mirror, I applied more powder, blush and also cleaned off my excess

, the lights around the artificial fountains glistened and I knew I could watch this for hours if permitted to. Two couples could be spotted whispering and taking selfies beside the fountain

potted Sam at a side of the huge aquarium, sitting and lo

wait to make

ng, the song suddenly changed to a underrated song I actua

t, the most beautiful girl I've seen in all my life, every s

my hips and flipping of my hair dramatically hoping that I was giving that Queendom en

et me with a hug, compliment my dress and maybe even draw out the chair for me but even thoug

e menu and I went through the dinner combination platters, I was torn between choosing the salted pepper chicken and wings combo and

e Sam was not really financially buoyant to actually do something like that. He still owes me almost half a million dollars. Lara who doesn't date hustlers like she likes to call them

ng. I found myself eagerly waiting for him to just go ahead with it already. "You said you wanted to tell

t first." He simp

glass, right? Nice move, Sam.' I thou

myself ask as I mentally facepalmed myself for getting so ahead of myself but then it was already out. Sam looked shocked and uncomfortable as he

d to commend them on their fast service. I've been t

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finally spoke when he was alm

break up."&

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you just say? Come

lizabeth."  He rep

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hear what I just said? I want to

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ready found the ring in your wardrobe and I already know that the purpose of this meeting is that you want to propos

h. It was for my girlfriend and I already proposed to her on Tuesday

hat I felt I might actually break down, these jokes o

Stop it alr

you, I'm breaking up with you instead to focus on my fiancé, come on, Beth,

prank? You're not proposing? You can't marry me? You proposed to your girlfriend

sn't me? Like another g

'm more of a thick girl man, Liz. You're too petite and skinny, I can't just be with you for the rest of my life." He said i

s. I hope you don't take this too personal." He concluded and just like t

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