
Chapter 5 - My Mate

Zayn POV

Her nod was hesitant but I couldn't help smiling at her. I have one hand wrapped around her waist and I bring my other hand up to her face about to kiss her full lips but she gets off my lap when she sees Emily coming towards us.

"Zayn are you going to be hogging her up all day? I want to spend some time with my best friend." My sister says as she walks over.

"What about me Em, didn't you miss me?" I asked, Emily is my only sister, I've always spoiled her ever since she was a baby. "Didn't you like the birthday gift I sent you?"

"Of course I did" she jumps up and hugs me" But I wish you were there for my party." She says

but my eyes are set on Hope "Me too" I said. We sit outside for a little while then I left them to go inside and talk to some pack warriors, on my way inside Crystal storms towards me

"You can't be serious!" she says "Hope, is too young for you, you're going to reject her right?" I raise an eyebrow and look at her

"What I do is none of your concern. No I'm not going to reject her." She wraps her arms around my neck "you and I have something special Zayn, reject her, she can't give you what you need, I can" I grabbed her arms and shoved her back off me before walking away to my office.

Crystal is an attractive woman that I started sleeping with about a year ago. She wasn't the only one I was sleeping with and she knew that. I've never dated anyone and she knew I didn't want a serious relationship with her or anyone else.

Just as I sat behind my desk, there was a knock at my door and Dad walked in smiling.

"I got a call from Alpha Edward, he's very impressed with your fighting skills" Dad says with a proud look on his face

"You know how I like a good fight" I said "

"It seems like he had his hopes set on you and one of his daughters uniting but....." I roll my eyes "I told him you found your mate soon after you got home." I nodded at him but stayed quiet. "I'll see you at dinner" He said before patting my back and walking out.

Through my office window I see Hope by the pool with Emily and a few guys from our pack. One of them is that kid Jason. She's smiling and laughing I keep staring at her she's really grown up and she's perfect. While it feels like I'm in a trance watching her, they suddenly all get up and walk towards the drive way. I walked outside and come face to face with them.

The guys bow to me "Alpha"

"Where are you all going?" I asked looking at Hope.

"We're going to the mall get a few things for the dinner party" She replied. I still couldn't figure out if she was happy to be with me or not.

"I'll take you" My voice stern leaving no room for any arguments, and the guys nodded said their goodbyes and left quickly.

"Zayn we want to go with our friends" Emily barked out at me. I was about to tell her she's crazy if she thinks I'm letting Hope go with that kid when Crystal came out....Fuck.

"Alpha I need to talk to you" She said.

"Talk" I glared at her.

"Zayn, it's private!"

Emily looks like she's going to jump on her and Hope turns around slowly and starts to walk away. I grab her by the waist quickly before she can get any further away, I want her to listen to what I have to say to Crystal, I have never cared about any woman's feelings....until now.

"It's Alpha to you and whatever you have to say you can say in front of Hope." Crystal remained still for a few seconds then turned around and left us alone.

Emily had a smug look on her face she gets closer to us "ummm you guys go to the mall, I really don't need anything. I'll see you at dinner Hope" She smiled at her friend and left us alone.

Hope POV

When she calls him by his first name I realized she was not just another pack member to him. I have seen her around the pack house but couldn't remember her name. I suddenly got this sick feeling in my stomach so I turned to walk away so I don't embarrass myself but Zayn pulled me by the waist towards him. He stopped me from leaving and basically put her in her place. I kind of felt bad for her but I was happy with what he said.

We stood outside alone now his eyes staring into mine "Why did you turn to leave?" he asked, he was standing so close with one arm still wrapped around my waist.

"I wanted to give you some privacy." I answered looking away from his heated stare. He ran his hand through his dark hair and looked at me intensely for a few seconds making my insides quiver.

"I don't want privacy with anyone but you." He has a serious look on his face.

I wanted to ask him who she was to him but I didn't. Instead I said "I'm going to go get ready for dinner and I'll see you there okay?"

"I thought you wanted to go to the mall?" He asked

"I can go some other time. I still want to study a bit before getting ready for dinner." I said feeling like a kid compared to him.

He grinned at me and took my hand in his "Okay, I'll walk you home" His voice was like no other man's voice, his body, the way he spoke and walked...everything about him was intense.