
Chapter 5 - 2018 Top Ten Gay Romance

Prince Efren’s pupils had grown since Marcelo had first sat next to him. The crown prince of Zioneven was attracted to him. Were his own pupils doing the same? Evidently, a physical attraction to Prince Efren was behind the butterflies in his stomach, and the pleasant shivers drifting over his skin.

He gasped quietly when Prince Efren’s soft-leather-clad foot brushed against his own. Deliberately. It had to have been an intentional maneuver.

And then the half-smile that always seemed to short-circuit Marcelo’s brain appeared. The prince must have liked whatever he’d seen in Marcelo’s reaction.

How Marcelo made it through the rest of that dinner without embarrassing himself by forgetting every rule of etiquette he’d been taught since birth was a mystery.

* * * *

The rasp of the heavy draperies swinging aside on their rings woke him. The sun was thankfully behind a cloud or he’d have endured the added discomfort of being blinded by the bright light.

“Good morning, sir.” Erich’s voice wasn’t as cheery as it would typically be, despite it being Marcelo’s wedding day. The wedding would be in the afternoon. His sister Marcela’s burial would be this morning.

One servant started a fresh blaze in the fireplace, while a veritable army of servants trooped in, first placing a large copper tub in front of it, then filling the bath with bucket after bucket of heated water.

He sighed, threw off the covers, pulled off his nightshirt, and moved behind the screen to relieve himself in the chamber pot. Then he stepped into the tub and allowed Erich to prepare him for this eventful day. A day that would begin with sorrow and end with fresh hope, for himself and for all of Sheburat.

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the royal family and nobles of Sheburat stood on the other. Marcelo stayed with his family, an

litical training and love of the outdoors with a recent interest in painting landscapes? The Marcela he remembered as his friend and close companion had been but a memory