
Chapter 2 - Warrior Princess

Jake POV

I know no one likes Sam here. It sucks having to pretend we agree with them.

“We shouldn’t be pretending. She is an amazing sister. She has never done anybody wrong. Is always kind no matter what happens to her. She is strong. She has put up with so much Jake. But she still remains her happy bubbly self.” Nanuk growls at me.

It's true. She is beautiful, smart, strong. Hell, she beats me in every fight spar we have. The only one she can’t beat is the alpha family. I’ve always been so proud of her for that. The position should be hers. She is the stronger twin, but we all know Carson would never pick her. Lyssa Influences a lot of his decisions. So therefore, I am the future Beta.

I about lost it when Peirce, one of the warriors, called her a fat cow. I had to bite my cheek so hard I tasted my blood. My fists clenched and unclenched by my side. I had to answer him carefully.

I love my sister, but I didn’t want to be one of those guys. I know if I didn’t agree I would lose all my friends. Who knows maybe Carson would take the beta from me? So, I agreed. I said what I said. It pained me so bad to say it. I was so angry and disappointed with myself. Nanuk shut me out for the rest of the day.

I heard a commotion and saw everyone pointing at Sam while she ran away. I could feel her sadness. What happened? She didn’t hear me, did she? No, she wasn’t near me I could have scented her out.

I told the guys I would see them later and ran home. I ran into the living room and tossed my shoes in the hallway closet. I could smell Sam’s Vanilla and Sugar scent. I followed it to her bedroom. I could hear her sobbing.

Nanuk Whimpered, then growled at me. “it's clearly our fault.” he snaps.

“There’s no way she heard me. Shut up, Nanuk. Try talking to Akira."

“I can’t, they both have their walls up.” I could feel his anger. I could tell this is one of those times he would refuse to talk to anyone or their wolves. He gets like that when he is extremely pissed off. Yay me.

I knock on her door and wait for an answer, only to get none. I sulk to my room and start playing video games. I’ve got to find something to pass them time. Usually, I and Sam would play Call of Duty together. I could still feel her emotions. They were powerful enough that it was starting to affect me.

After playing for a couple of hours I check the time. It's time to start getting ready for the ceremony. I run downstairs and find my mom and dad sitting in the sunroom.

“Hey mom, hey Dad!” I kiss my mom on her temple.

“Hey baby, how was training?” We are a close-knit family.

“It was good. Hey for the ceremony what do you want me to wear?” I ask.

“I’ve already picked out your outfits. Sam was asleep when I went to check on her can you make sure she’s awake now and give her dress? Both of your outfits are in my room hanging up in a garment bag.”

I nod my head and head upstairs. I grab both bags and look in mine. Of course, it’s a Tux with a bowtie. I hate those damned things. I open Sam’s and see it’s her favorite color dress. Mint green with crystals all over it. It's beautiful. Now only to get her to open the door.

I knock and as expected there is no answer. I jiggle the handle and it's locked.

“Sam, open up.” I know she’s in there I can smell her. She feels so sad, with a wave of anger. What the hell is going on?

“Sam, what is wrong I can feel your sadness and anger from here?” I say a bit more sternly. No response. I try to mind link her, but she’s got her block up. Why is she blocking me out?

I growl in frustration and I walk downstairs and tell my mom she’s not answering her door and hand her the garment bag. My dad raises his eyebrow at me as if to ask me what’s going on. I shrug and just walk back upstairs to get ready.

By 10:00 no one has seen or heard from Samantha. The ceremony is at midnight, so we need to get a move on if we want to be on time. I go downstairs dressed in my tux with my dark brown hair combed back. I go downstairs.

“Where’s Sam?” My dad asks.

I shrug. “I thought she was already down here with yall?” he shakes his head, and my mom looks worried.

We all go upstairs and knock on her door. No answer. I can’t even scent her in there. I look to my dad and I can tell he noticed the same thing. His Green eyes start to turn black and I can tell his Wolf Cain is on the surface. He breaks the handle and opens the door.

“Samantha baby, are you ready?" My mom asks while walking in. She’s not in here. The window is open.

“Jake, Son, check the bathroom.” My dad orders.

“Yes, sir.” I look in the bathroom and as expected she’s not there. I walk out and feel glass crack under my weight. I look and see the family picture of us shattered and the frame in pieces on the floor. I pick it up and grasp it in my hands.

“What is doing on Nanuk?” he whimpers but doesn’t answer. I spot an envelope on her pillow. I have a bad feeling about this.

“Mom, dad, I don’t like this. Do you want to read it or me?” My mom takes the paper from my hands and rips the envelope open in a haste. She screams and falls to the floor. My dad rushes to her side. That’s his mate and he can feel she is hurting.

I pick up the letter and begin reading.

“I am sorry. I cannot stay. I am sorry for being a disappointment. I am sorry for being a burden. I am sorry for not being good enough. I am sorry I am weak; I am sorry I am annoying. I am sorry for not being an ugly fat waste of space. I am sorry for everything that is wrong with me. At least no one will have to put up with me anymore. Jake, if you’re reading this just know I was never going to take the Beta Position from you. The title was rightfully yours. I am sorry you got stuck with me for a sister and twin. I am sorry mom and dad. I am sorry yall got stuck with me for a daughter. I wish I could have been better. I know no matter how much you hate me and can’t stand being around me I love you all with my entire heart. I and Akira will miss you all. We won’t be a burden for you all anymore. I know the pack hates me. Yall are only nice to me because you must be. I will fix that issue for you now. I am leaving. I won’t return. I am doing this for the betterment of the pack. I will always carry you all with me in my heart. I will miss you. I love you.”

“Jake, what is she talking about? What is going on?” my dad asks while consoling my mom.

“She must have heard me talking to the guys. I said somethings I didn’t mean. It was just the guys messing around…I didn’t know she heard me.” he asks what I said, and I don’t respond. I see his eyes darken and he asks again. Surprisingly, he is calm. That is when he is at his scariest. His wolf is in control.

“What did you say?” he says using his full beta command. My wolf submits and we have no choice but to tell him. After I've explained everything I said my mom has a look of disappointment on her face.

My dad starts shouting. “Goddess Jake do you think before you speak? This is so unlike you. You and your sister have always been close. Why on earth would you say anything like that. Whether you thought she was listening or not is no excuse. You are going to fix this. We need to find her first, but you’re going to fix this. The ceremony is soon and if we don’t hurry, we won’t make it in time. Im going to mind link the alpha and let him know what is going on.” His eyes glaze over while he links Carson’s dad and I link Carson to tell him what’s going on.

“We may be running late; Sam has run away from home. We can't find her. I'm going to go look for her with my family.” he links me back immediately.

“I am going to talk to my dad. Well, send some trackers out. What happened, man? Yall are close she shut you out too?” Carson knows of our situation.

“She heard us at the lake after training. She heard every word I said about her. She left a letter. She thinks we don’t love her, that I don’t love her. She said she didn’t want to be a burden or a waste of a pack member anymore. She said she was leaving and would be coming back. I'm freaking out. I can't loose my sister. I know you don’t care for her. None of the other pack members do except for my family and your dad. I don’t know why I said what I said. I should have stood up for her. I have to find her.”

I can feel Nanuk pacing in my mind. He isn’t happy either. He wants his sister back. He is trying to get in contact with Akira. Carson tells me that his dad has sent trackers to find her. They're going to post pone the ceremony until we find her. The alpha family heads this way and my mom, dad, and myself try to link Samantha. Her walls are up.

“Dad, if the alpha trys to link her with all of us at the same time that may be enough to break her walls down.” He agrees. You can see he's glaring at me. He's not happy. I know I fucked up. I royally fucked up.

The alpha family knocks and Luna Marie runs to my mom to hug her. My dad shows the alpha Sam's goodbye letter and her grabs both me and Carson by the collars of our shirts. Everyone in the room bows their heads in submission knowing His wolf is on the surface. We both gulp and know we're in deep shit.

“Dad, I didn’t do...” Carson starts but is interrupted.

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up NOW. You may not have physically done anything, but you didn’t do anything to prevent this from happening. You are an alpha. Next in line for this entire pack. You take care of your pack. You look out for your pack. It is your job to nurture and protect EVERYONE in this pack. You failed this pack. You failed Samantha. I am disappointed in you.” Alpha Aaron says. His eyes flickering between his usual brown to black. He's not wrong. Alphas are supposed to protect their pack, nurture them, love them, help them. We all failed. Carson whimpers as his wolf submits to his dad.

He turns to me and I mentally prepare for my ass chewing now. “And you, young Beta. This letter states that you are part of the reason your own sister has left. You are not just brother and sister. You are Twins. You’re stronger together. I'm not even going to waste my breath on a lecture for you. I can see the sadness and regret in your eyes. The guilt of what you have done will be enough punishment.”

He looks to my dad as he lets both me and Carson down. “I have my best trackers looking for her David we will find her. Keep trying to link her. I will as well. Let's all go out and look for her. The more people we have looking the better the chance to find her. I just hope were not to late.” We bow to our alpha and get ready to start our search party.

As we get outside my dad shouts. “I got through to her. I'm trying to link now, but shes fighting it." He's shaking either from the anger or nervousness. Whatever Sam is saying or doing is affecting him.

“No, no, no. She blocked me out again. Jake what did she mean by ‘no more lies?’ that’s the only thing she shouted at me before severing the connection?”

I tell him I don’t know. That’s when we all hear it. She's shouting in the entire pack link. “I, Samantha Layne hereby cut and sever all ties with the Blue Ridge Mountain Pack. Henceforth I will be a rogue.”

We each feel the breaking of the bonds and the alpha stumbles a bit at the loss of a pack member. Mom screams and falls to the ground. My dad picks her up and cradles him to his chest. He lost one of his pups and it is my fault. Dad is whimpering. I never thought I would hear a man like him whimper. Next think I know I fall to the ground in extreme pain. My bones start snapping, my skin is glistening with sweat. I'm screaming at the top of my lungs.

“He's shifting, everyone step back give him some space.” the alpha states. My parents just watch knowing that Sam is going through the same thing alone.

I finish my shift, and holy crap that was painful. Nanuk just huffs. I stand on all four paws and look around at everyone. My mom and dad approach carefully. It's always good to be cautious approaching a newly shifted wolf incase they are confused or not in control of their wolf. Once they see that I am in control my mom runs her fingers through my fur. She looks at me with a look of awe.

“What is it mom?” she just shakes her head.

“You were right baby. You look just like your dad… you're a dark grey, but your fur shimmers in the light almost like silver. It's beautiful." She brings me a mirror and shows me how I look.

She’s right although it makes me sad. I wish Sam didn’t have to go through this alone. I wonder what sam looks like. Me and Nanuk whimper together. Mom and dad must know what I'm thinking because they whine as well.

The alpha family takes their leave giving us the space we could all use. Before they go Alpha Aaron and Luna Marie give my parents a hug and Alpha states “We won't give up David, Lucy, I promise you we will find her. We won't stop.” My parents nod in thanks and while they say their goodbyes I trot off.

Carson shifts and attempt to follow me, but I just want to be alone. I growl at him and his wolf raises his hackles not liking the disrespect. I bow my head in apology and submission.

'I just want to be alone.' I link him. He nods his head and turns to leave.

I lift my snout in the air to see if I can smell my twin. I can’t, she’s gone, and it's all my fault. I howl. You can hear my sorrow in this howl. Not long after I hear my parents howl. Soon enough the whole pack joins into my song of sorrow. Not like they care. They're as much to blame as I am. Things are going to change. I'll make sure of it.
