
Chapter 1 - Rejecting Her Twin Alphas Novel Free by Azrael Meow


“Amber, get up!” My father shouts through my door. “Henry will be mad if you are late again.”

I groan and open my eyes. The sun isn’t even up yet, but I know it’s time to rise. Today is the big test. I roll out of bed and rush into my bathroom. I look at my face in the mirror. I still have some bruises from yesterday’s training. Since I was thirteen, I have been training to become a member of my Uncle’s Elite Squad. The Elite Squad are top warriors that go to other packs to help them fight rogues or other enemies.

Turning on the shower to molten lava, I step in and hiss from the pain of my sore muscles and bruises. There are a couple of cuts on my back.

Uncle Henry thinks I have a shot because of my alpha blood despite being the daughter of the Gamma. My wolf Lilith has had her head in the clouds lately. I know it’s because she longs for our fated mate, but I do not want a mate. He will just get in the way of my ambitions. I am not ready to subject myself to being a housemate and mother.

My older sister Regina had to give up her dreams of being a doctor for her mate. She is twenty-four and has four pups, with another on the way. She says she is happy, but I know she longs to be a doctor. I will not sacrifice my dreams as she did.

I have been determined to become a member of the Elite Squad since I watched my mother get killed by rogues. I tried to fight them, but I wasn’t strong enough.

“Amber!” I hear my father calling from my bedroom. “You are going to be late!” He shouts.

“Coming!” I shout back over the running water.

My father, Flynt Payne, is the Gamma of our pack, Shadow Winds. It’s a large pack that controls a significant portion of the western United States. We are a well-respected pack which is why smaller packs call on my Uncle’s Elite Squad. My uncle, Henry Martin, is the Alpha of the pack. My mother was his sister. When our mother was killed, Aunt Rachael stepped in as a mother figure to my siblings and me. I am the youngest of three. Regina is the oldest, and Dylan, our brother, is in the middle. Dylan is going to be the next Gamma in a few weeks. Growing up, we all knew Dylan’s mate would be the pack doctor’s daughter Nina. They have a one-year-old son named Luke, and he is my little buddy.

I sigh and hop out of the shower as Lilith hums in my head. ‘What has you so chipper?’ I ask my wolf.

‘We will find our mate soon,’ She muses.

‘Lilith,’ I whine. ‘A mate will get in my way. Look what happened to Regina.’

Lilith huffs, ‘It won’t be that bad. Look at your brother and his mate.’

I ignore her as I rush around my room, putting on clothes. I find my lucky red workout pants and my favorite purple tank top. I may be a warrior, but that doesn’t mean I can’t look cute at the same time. I comb my shoulder-length auburn hair and take a moment to look at myself in the mirror. Everyone tells me that I have my mother’s brown eyes. “Okay, Mom. Wish me luck.” I say before running out of my room.

“Uncle Henry is going to be mad at you,” Dylan announces as I run down the stairs of our house. He has Luke in his arms, and I can’t help but smile at my nephew.

“Look at Lukey so cute in his car jammies,” I coo.

Dylan huffs, “You know I hate it when you call him that.”

“What?” I shrug and tickle Luke, who giggles. “I love my little Lukey,” I kiss his cheek and squeeze my brother’s arm.

“Amber!” Dad shouts from outside.

“Bye,” I say while running out of the house. Dad is standing on the porch in his Gamma uniform, smoking a cigarette. “Sorry, I got to bed late-“

“You know Henry hates tardiness, Amber,” Dad says and starts walking towards his new truck. “If you want to be a member of the Elite Squad, then you have to get better at time management,” He lectures me.

I climb into the truck, “Sorry, Dad. I had a lot on my mind last night.”

He starts the truck and backs out of the driveway, “Like what?” He asks.

I shrug, “Oh, Lilith has been acting weird. She wants our fated mate,” I sputter.

Dad presses his lips together, “You know having a mate isn’t the end of the world, Amber.”

“It was for Regina,” I snort. “She gave up everything for Gabriel.”

“That was her choice, Amber,” Dad argues.

I shake my head, “If I found my mate,” I say mockingly, “And he made me give up everything I worked for to pop out pups, I would die.”

“Amber,” Dad drawls. “I never made your mother give up everything. I let her be Catherine. And I believe your mate will let you be Amber. Otherwise, I’m sure you can kick his ass,” he laughs.

“You bet,” I chuckle.

We drive past the packhouse and towards the training center. There are fields for battle practice, a large well-equipped gym, and everything else our pack needs to stay in top shape. Uncle Henry requires every pack member to learn how to fight. Dad parks the truck and sighs.

“I wish I could be there, but Henry needs me on patrol,” He touches my arm. “I have faith that you will succeed, Amber. You are the most determined of all my children. You are so much like your mother, and nothing will get in your way.”

“Thank you, Dad,” I smile at him.

He leans over and kisses my cheek, “Go get them, Amber Payne.”

I slide out of the truck and walk toward the field. My cousin and best friend, Kaylee, runs up to me.

“Oh man, my Dad is so-“

“Angry, I know,” I huff and start jogging.

Uncle Henry stands beside Beta Burton Bell and Curtis Warrens, the head trainer. He is a large barrel-shaped man with balding blonde hair and pale blue eyes. “Amber Elyse Payne, you are late,” He bellows.

“Sorry, Uncle Henry,” I sigh as I step towards him.

“I can’t go soft on you just because you are my niece,” He sighs.

“The others have already started their warm-ups,” Curtis speaks up. “Get your ass on the field, now!”

“Yes, sir,” I nod and join the others on the field. I grin at my friends Marcus and Dewey.

“You are late,” Dewey points out. He is Beta Burt’s younger son.

“I know that, Dew,” I roll my eyes.

“Dreaming about your mate again,” He laughs.

I ball up my fist and punch him, sending him flying backward.

“Ms. Payne!” Curtis bellows.

I continue my stretches and then run a few laps. I grin, seeing the bruise on Dewey’s cheek.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get you later,” He laughs.

“Right,” I respond.

We finish our laps and line up. “Today, you are all trying out to be members of my Elite Force,” Uncle Henry paces in front of us. “I only have room for three of you. I expect the best out of you all because I have openings on other squads even if you don’t make it to the Elite Squad.” He stops in front of me. “First things first, you must get through the obstacle course,” He points out.

I jog in place as I am ready to conquer it. I have spent years perfecting my skills.

Curtis holds up a clipboard, “Step up to the starting line when I call your name,” He instructs us. “James Abbott,” He calls.

I stand beside Dewey and Marcus while waiting my turn. “I hate that my name starts with a P,” I mutter.

Dewey jabs me with his elbow, “At least you get to watch everyone else’s mistakes.”

“Dewey Bell,” Curtis shouts.

“Damn,” Dewey sighs and runs over to the starting line.

“Good luck,” I shout at him. I watch my friend make his way through the course. I look around and see my cousin, Deacon approaching the field with my grandfather. Deacon had been away at another pack for training.

“Hey, little cousin,” He ruffles my hair, and I glare at him.

A strange mixture of scents coming from my cousin makes Lilith crazy in my head, “Why do you smell like a forest after it rains?”

Deacon laughs, “Have you gone nuts, Amber?”

“Are you nervous?” My grandfather asks.

“No, Papa,” I respond.

“Dad,” Uncle Henry shouts. “Don’t distract her.”

Papa waves him off, “I am allowed to encourage my granddaughter, Henry.”

“I thought Aunt Rachael was going to watch,” I sigh.

“Oh, she went shopping with your grandmother,” Papa laughs.

“Amber Payne!” Curtis shouts.

“Here I go,” I smile nervously.

“You can do it, sweet pea,” Papa grins. “You are Catie’s daughter, after all.”

I walk to the starting line and take a deep breath.

“Go,” Curtis orders me.

I take off and jump onto the wooden poles to balance while avoiding a swinging log. I blow right through the rest of the course, jumping onto slippery ledges while avoiding battering rams and blunt axes.

“Come on, Amber!” Papa shouts.

I see the finish line and run full tilt toward it. One of the Elite Force members, a warrior named Nate, is standing there with a stopwatch. He nods at me and writes something on his clipboard.

“How did I do?” I ask him.

“You know I can’t tell you that yet,” Nate smirks.

“Come on, Nate,” I whine.

“Amber!” Uncle Henry shouts.

“What?” I shout and run towards him.

“You did good,” He slaps my shoulder.

“Just good?” I complain.

“Ms. Payne,” Curtis shouts at me.

I line up with everyone else that has finished the course. Dewey has a large bruise on his eye. “Did you get hit by the battering ram again?”

“Shut up,” He grumbles.

“He biffed it,” Marcus leans into me.

“Damn,” I whisper.

“I said shut up,” Dewey snarls.

“Listen up,” Curtis explains the next task.

I spend the next three hours fighting members of the Elite Force. In the final part of the test, I have to fight in wolf form. Lilith is a large black alpha she-wolf. She is almost as big as Uncle Henry’s wolf, Goliath.

Curtis walks up to me in human form as I stand in front of Nate’s wolf. “You will fight until one falters and stays on the ground for ten seconds. Go!”

Nate’s wolf, Ace, is light grey and much smaller than Lilith. But he is fast and strong. I gasp as he lunges and has us pinned in a split second.

Lilith snarls and is back on her feet immediately. We lunge at Nate with a growl. Teeth and claws swipe and bite at the other. Blood pours from some minor scrapes as we get tired. Lilith manages to pin Ace. He yelps as she bites his neck.

Curtis walks up and begins to count, “One, two-“

The scent of the forest after it rains distracts Lilith. She releases Ace and looks at the sidelines where Deacon is standing with Uncle Henry. The distraction allows Ace to tackle us to the ground.

‘What the hell, Lilith?’ I shout at my wolf.

She whimpers and struggles to get out of Ace’s hold while Curtis counts, “Nine, ten!” He shouts. “You are done, Amber.”

Ace releases Lilith and sits on his haunches.

‘What the fuck!’ I shout as Lilith gets to her feet and slinks behind a partition where my clothes are. I quickly shift and throw my clothes on. “What happened?” I shout out loud.

‘I thought I smelled our mate,’ She whines.

‘Lilith!’ I scream at her. I stomp towards Uncle Henry as he is chatting with Curtis. “I’m done, done?” I ask.

“Sorry, Amber,” Uncle Henry touches my shoulder. “I can’t have my elite warriors getting distracted like that.”

“It wasn’t my fault!” I shout. “I can’t be done!”

“You can try again in six months,” Curtis presses his lips together.

“Uncle Henry,” I cry.

“Amber,” He touches my shoulder again. “There is a spot on Dylan’s squad.”

“Dylan’s squad is like the third tier,” I whine.

Uncle Henry sighs, “I can’t make an exception for you, Amber. You are a good warrior but have a long way to go before you are ready for my Elite Squad.”

I hold back tears as he speaks. “Yes, sir,” I mutter and start to walk away.

“Oh, Amber,” Papa tries to hug me, but I push him away.

“No,” I snarl. “Sorry, Papa, but I need to be alone,” I say and wander towards the trees.

“You did your best,” Papa tells me.

“My best wasn’t good enough,” I snort.

“You will get it,” He tries to encourage me.

I shake my head and keep walking. Twigs snap as I move into the shadows of the trees. We seem to get enveloped by the plants as I push through some thick bushes before stepping into a small clearing with a flat boulder. I sit down and break down into tears.

‘I’m sorry,’ Lilith speaks up. ‘I-‘

‘You ruined it, Lilith. Why? Because you thought you smelled my stupid mate?’ I yell at her. ‘I keep telling you that I don’t want a mate. I haven’t met him, and he has already ruined everything.’

‘I’m sorry, Amber. But we need our mate. I crave him,’ She explains.

“I don’t care!” I scream out loud. “I will never accept a mate!”

‘Please don’t say that,’ She pleads with me.

‘Just go away, Lilith,’ I snarl at her.

‘You know I can’t,’ She whimpers and retreats to the back of my mind.

I let myself cry for an hour before heading back to my house. I hear laughter from inside and assume Deacon is playing video games with Dylan. I don’t want to talk to anyone, so I try to sneak in.

“Hey, Amber,” Dylan greets me. “Deacon told me what happened-“

I glare at him and start for the stairs.

“Dad said-“

“I don’t want to talk to anyone right now, Deac,” I snarl.

The forest rain scent comes from Deacon again and messes with my mind. Lilith comes out of her hiding place and whimpers.

‘Mate,’ She whines.

I flop onto my bed and ignore her. ‘I don’t want to hear anything else about a mate. I will reject him the moment I meet him. I’m not letting him ruin my life anymore.’