
Chapter 4 - Rejecting Her Twin Alphas Novel Free by Azrael Meow



That name echoes as the dream fades while my alarm goes off. The woman in my arms stirs as I unweave my arms from her naked form. Her sandy blonde hair cascades over our bodies, and I kiss her cheek.

Her green eyes sparkle up at me.

“Good morning,” I whisper to her and look to see we are the only ones in bed.

“Where is Tyler?” She sighs and touches where my brother’s side of the bed.

“Probably in his room,” I sigh as I roll out of bed.

“Why are you getting up so early?” Savannah complains.

I grab my shorts off the ground, “I thought we told you,” I respond. “We are going to the Shadow Wind pack to sign the alliance and to watch Deacon Martin become alpha,” I explain.

Savannah frowns, “Why can’t I go?” she folds her arms. “I am going to be your luna.”

Pollux makes a low growl in my head. He wholly objects to Savannah being our chosen mate. He whimpers for the black wolf in our dreams. ‘This vixen is not your luna.’

I ignore him and kiss Savannah, “Yes, you are my mate. My Luna. But Dad wants you to stay here with my mother and sister.”

Savannah huffs, “I don’t think Sheila likes it,” She sits up and pouts. “And don’t get me started on Corie.”

“It will be okay, Savannah,” I say and look at the clock. “I have to get going, or Dad will kick my ass. You can sleep some more if you want.” I hurry into my bathroom and turn on the shower. While the hot water massages my muscles, the black wolf appears in my mind. “Pollux,” I yell at my wolf.

‘What?’ He responds. ‘I am showing you the true path.’

I ignore him again and try to focus. But the black wolf will not fade. ‘I don’t want her,’ I snarl. The wolf, while beautiful, is too large, in my opinion. A she-wolf should be more delicate and less like a male. This black she-wolf puts off an alpha aura, and I can’t have a dominant mate. I am the dominant one.

‘But she won’t be dominant. She is your equal,’ Pollux tries to explain.

‘She-wolves aren’t equals,’ I snort and turn off the shower.

“Skylar?” I hear Tyler yelling into my room.

“I’m in here, Ty,” I respond, wrapping my towel around my waist and stepping out of the bathroom. “Where is Savannah?” I say, noticing my empty bed.

Tyler shrugs, “How should I know?”

“You didn’t see her?” I ask.

“I saw her last night,” Tyler says casually.

“Why did you leave?” I wonder as I slink into my closet. I pick out some nice jeans and a black logo shirt. Tyler is dressed in khaki shorts and a white surfer shirt. “You are dressing like that today?”

Tyler looks down, “Dad said we only had to dress up for the ceremony.”

I shake my head as I comb my hair. It’s much shorter than Tyler’s.

“Did you dream about her?” Tyler asks.

“So, what if I did? That doesn’t change anything, Ty,” I say to him as I gather my phone charger.

“Her name is Lilith,” He says, causing Pollux to purr.

‘Knock it off,’ I grumble at my wolf.

‘Lilith,’ He repeats, sending chills down my spine.

“I want my mate, Skylar,” Tyler says sadly.

“We have a mate, Tyler,” I respond.

“You have a mate. I want my mate,” he shakes his head.

“Savannah is our mate, Tyler. You agreed, remember?” I touch his shoulder. “We agreed that we aren’t going to let some goddess pick who we fuck for the rest of our lives. We are going to do this our way.”

Tyler is about to speak when there is a knock on the door. Then our mother pokes her head inside. “Are you boys ready to go?” She asks.

“I am,” I respond. “My bag is over there,” I point to the closet.

Mom nods and one of the female omegas hurries in, “His bag is in the closet, Ivette. Take it downstairs.”

“Yes, Luna,” Ivette scurries into my closet to grab my suitcase.

Mom steps towards us, “My handsome boys,” she touches my chest, “Growing up so fast. Before long, it will be your ceremony.”

“Next year,” Tyler chimes in.

She sniffles, “I know.”

“And we will have a beautiful Luna,” I mention, and Mom frowns.

“Beautiful, yes,” She sighs. “But not true.”

“Mom,” I complain.

“You know my stance on the whole thing Skylar,” She pats my chest.

“Skylar, Tyler,” My father’s gruff voice calls out.

“We are ready, Dad,” I respond as he steps into my room.

He smiles at Mom and beckons her toward him. He wraps his arm around her waist and passionately kisses her.

“Ugh,” I scoff and look away.

“You are embarrassing the boys, Victor,” Mom giggles.

“Let them be embarrassed, mi amor,” Dad chuckles. “I will always kiss my Luna,” He says with a low growl. “Okay, I am done kissing you, mother,” Dad mentions, and I turn to him.

Mom smiles at us, “You boys be good,” she touches our cheeks. “Oh, my big boys,” she coos.

“Shelia,” Dad hisses, “Quit babying them.”

“They are my babies, Victor,” Mom complains.

“I know, dear,” Dad chuckles. “Boys.”

I grab my phone from my nightstand and leave the room with Tyler on my heels. Dad is already heading down the stairs. He rarely ever uses the fancy elevator that Mom insisted we have installed.

I start towards the elevator.

“We don’t have time for you to wait for that infernal thing,” Dad yells.

I huff and follow him and Tyler down the stairs.

Savannah is downstairs with her parents and brother when we get outside. I think she looks sexy in her tight red dress with her black heels. Her makeup is on point as she smiles at me. Tyler walks by, not saying a word to her.

“Tyler,” I yell at my twin. “Aren’t you going to say goodbye to our mate?”

“Bye,” He waves but doesn’t look at Savannah.

I shake my head, “Once we are all marked, it will be better,” I say as I wrap my arms around her.

Pollux growls, ‘I will never mark her.’

I ignore him and kiss Savannah, “I love you, sweetheart,” I say before walking towards the waiting SUVs. Dad is giving me a look. “What?”

“Nothing I say will matter to you, Skylar,” He says quietly. “Get in the vehicle,” He orders me and gets into the front seat.

I slide in beside Tyler, who is looking out of the other window, “You didn’t say goodbye to Savannah,” I mention.

“I said bye,” He mumbles.

“You didn’t even look at her,” I fold my arms. Savannah stands beside her mother, and I wave as the cars pull away from the house. My head buzzes as we drive out of the territory. Pollux is in my head, grumbling about Savannah and talking about this black wolf. “I don’t care,” I say out loud.

Tyler and Dad both look at me but say nothing.

I lean against the window and text Savannah before falling asleep. Of course, I am plagued by Lilith. Her heavenly scent seems to lead me into the deep woods.

“Sky,” Tyler’s voice pulls me out of the dream, and I jolt awake.

“Fuck!” I yell.

“Skylar,” Dad growls from the front seat.

I shake my head and blink at my brother, “What?”

“We are almost to Shadow Winds,” He says with a strange look in his eyes.


“Castor is flipping out,” He mentions.

I have been ignoring Pollux, so I didn’t notice him having a meltdown. I hear him whimpering and pacing. ‘What’s wrong with you?’

‘She’s here,’ He mentions.

“I don’t care,” I fold my arms and settle into my seat as we pull up to a set of wrought iron gates.

They are smaller and less ornate than the ones marking Nightstar. The SUV stops, and Roger, the warrior driving, rolls down the window to speak with the guard.

I tune them out and look outside. The pack is surrounded by thick woods, much like ours but seems less green.

“Okay, enjoy your stay, sir,” The guard says, and we drive inside.

Pollux becomes louder in his whining, and tuning him out is hard. I try to block him, but he won’t allow it. ‘She is here,’ He keeps repeating, and my head starts to hurt. I hear Tyler whimper.

“What’s wrong, son?” Dad asks him.

“I don’t know, Dad,” Tyler responds. “Castor won’t settle down.”

“Skylar?” He glances at me, “Is Pollux acting up?”

“I guess,” I lie as Pollux is practically clawing to get out of my head.

Dad snorts and looks at Roger, who chuckles.

We drive for five minutes through the territory and pass their large training facility.

“Dang, it’s big,” Tyler mutters.

“Well, Henry is serious about his Elite Squad,” Dad mentions. “But he is also strict about training his whole pack.”

“So are we?” I sputter.

“Not like Henry,” Dad laughs.

The packhouse is much smaller than our house. It’s only about three stories, and I heard that not all the ranked members live there. There is a small crowd gathered in front when we stop.

As soon as I step out of the SUV, I am hit with the scent of wild raspberries. Alpha Henry Martin is standing with his son Deacon and who I assume to be his Luna, and a young woman. I look at her, but Pollux says nothing as we approach.

“Welcome to Shadow Winds, Victor,” Alpha Henry greets my dad. “This is my Luna, Rachael. You remember my son Deacon and my daughter Kaylee.”

Dad nods at them.

“And then you remember my Beta, Burt, and his son Lewis,” Henry points out. “Then there is my gamma Flynt and his son Dylan.”

I tune out the introductions and look around. The scent is everywhere, and Tyler is focused on it too.

“Do you have a daughter?” Tyler asks the Beta.

“No, I just have two sons,” Beta Burt laughs. “Maybe ask Flynt. His daughter, Amber, should be here too.”

My heart flips when I hear the name Amber.

“Where is Amber, Flynt?” Alpha Henry asks. “She should be here too.”

“She went to training with Dewey and Marcus, Uncle Henry,” the gamma’s son answers.

I look back down the road toward the massive training facility.

‘Go,’ Pollux urges me, but I resist him.

“Anyways, sorry, my niece isn’t here,” Alpha Henry laughs. “We can proceed inside.”

Dad and the rest of our people enter the house while Tyler and I hang back.

“She’s here, Sky,” Tyler breathes out too enthusiastically.

“Good, then we can reject her and move on,” I say with pain as Pollux gets angry in my head.

‘Do not reject her. You will become weak.’

“Castor wasn’t happy about that,” Tyler shudders.

“Boys,” Dad calls to us. “Come on,” He yells.

I sigh and turn to follow my father into the house. “Come on, Ty,” I pull my twin along. I breathe heavily to ignore my frantic wolf and the urge to find our damn mate.

We get into the house, and the scent overwhelms me. I look around and see her standing next to two males. My heart skips a beat because she is beautiful with medium-length reddish brown hair and brown eyes. I glance at Tyler, and he has the same look.

“Mate,” Tyler whimpers.

‘Mate!’ Pollux yells.

Her eyes widen, “Mate,” I hear her mutter before she turns heel and runs in the opposite direction.

“Shall we go after her?” I say to my brother, but he is already running after her.