
Chapter 5 - Rejecting Her Twin Alphas Novel Free by Azrael Meow


“Amber?” Curtis yells at me. “Aren’t you supposed to be upfront with your family?”

I was in the middle of beating the shit out of a punching bag. I had already destroyed two others. I had spent the whole day in the training facility trying to drown out my wolf. She wanted me to find my mates, as she put it. I wanted nothing to do with my mates. Uncle Henry wanted me out front to greet the wolves from Nightstar, but I couldn’t do it.

“Was that today?” I say, pretending not to know what he was talking about. I punch the bag again, and it splits, and sand spills out of it.

“You were supposed to greet the Nightstar wolves with the rest of the alpha family, Amber. You knew that,” He argues and looks at the bag. “Get out of here before you destroy another bag.”

I glare at him, “It’s just a punching bag.”

“You are still here?” Dewey walks up to me.

“Yeah, Dewey, I am still here,” I hiss at my friend.

“My dad said-“

“I’m sure your Dad says many things,” I grumble. I pick up my towel, wipe my forehead, and sling it over my shoulder. Lilith is in my head going nuts.

‘They are coming,’ She whines.

I shake my head and look at Dewey, “I guess I’ll wander up there. I’m going to shower real quick,” I mutter.

“I’ll wait for you,” Dewey smirks. “I should be up there too.”

I hurry into the locker room to take a quick shower. I find a pair of leggings and a t0shirt in my locker and throw them on. I leave the locker room, and Dewey and Marcus are waiting for me.

“I guess the Nightstar wolves have arrived,” Marcus tells me.

My heart skips a beat as Lilith seems to be trying to pull me toward the packhouse. I am hesitant to go, but I know I will be in trouble if I don’t. My grandparents and sister should be here by now too, and I want to see them.

“Okay, let's wander that way,” I mutter.

It takes about five minutes to walk to the packhouse. The scent of rain and forest hits me as we enter through the back door. Lilith starts pacing and muttering about mates. My uncle passes by, talking to another man I assume to be an alpha. My father and Beta Burt are right behind him. Dad looks at me, and I know there will be a lecture later.

The scent becomes overwhelming as I spot them. They appear identical but with slight differences. Lilith howls as I look them in the eyes. “No,” I whine out loud as she says the cursed word.

‘Mates!’ Lilith barks excitedly.

“Amber,” Dewey nudges me, but I focus on them.

They have black hair and deep ocean-blue eyes. One is dressed in khaki shorts and a surfer t-shirt with longer hair, while the other is slightly taller and more muscular.

“Mate,” The one with longer hair whimpers.

“Mate,” I mutter as they start walking toward me. “No,” I whisper and turn heel and run out of the packhouse as fast as my legs will go. I know they are behind me, but I can’t let them catch me. I am not going to let myself be taken by the mate bond. I will not succumb to the control of a male, let alone two, as Regina did.

‘Stop running.’ Lilith yells out.

Relief washes over me when I see my house. I turn back to see my mates behind me. I thunder onto the porch and try the door. “Fuck,” I curse as I realize it’s locked, and I don’t have my key. They are getting closer, and I need to get inside. “Fuck,” I scream and pound on the door, then remember the hidden key under the flower pot. I grab the key, unlock the door, and run into the house just as my mates reach the porch. I slam the door in their faces, and they pound on it.

“Come out, little mate,” one of them calls.

I run upstairs to my room and throw myself on the bed face first. I scream into my pillow.

‘Go to mates,’ Lilith yells.

‘No,’ I cry. I hate crying. Warriors don’t cry, but I find myself crying.

I listen to my mates calling for me outside. I find my earbuds and put on Ice Nine Kills as loud as possible. I sit on my bed with my eyes closed and rock myself.

‘Why are you not going to them?’ Lilith whimpers.

I ignore her and keep rocking until I black out or fall asleep.

“Amber,” My sister’s voice wakes me up.

I open my eyes and look at my sister, “Regina?” I look at the clock and see it’s nearly three pm.

“What are you doing?” Regina sits on my bed.

I look at her swollen belly.

She pats it, “Twins.”

I shudder to think about being in the same position. “Great,” I try to sound enthusiastic.

“Amber,” Dad knocks on the door and stands in the doorway. He smiles at Regina. “Henry needs to see you.”

“Why?” I ask casually.

“Oh, I think you know why,” Dad responds.

“Dad, please I-“

“Save it, Amber. It’s time for you to grow up,” He nods at Regina before leaving the room.

“What does he mean by that?” I look at my sister.

She pats my leg, “I met your mates, “She smirks. “They are handsome.”

I shudder again, “They aren’t my mates. At least not for long.”

“Are you still on the no mate thing?” Regina laughs. “It’s not that bad,” She rubs her belly.

“Not that bad?” I nearly yell. “Regina, you are only twenty-four and are about to have six pups. You gave up medical school,” I say, and my sister frowns. “I don’t want to give up everything I worked for.”

“You think I gave it up for Gabriel?” She asks sadly.

“Yeah,” I snort.

“I wanted to give up medical school, Amber. Gabriel did not make me,” She stands up and walks out of my room.

I sit on my bed for a moment, contemplating running away.

‘They will find you,’ Lilith speaks up.

“I’ll just have to run faster,” I say and dig out my old backpack. I start to stuff it with things.

“Amber,” Dad appears in the doorway again. “You aren’t running away from this.”

“Dad,” I shake my head.

“Henry already locked down the pack grounds. You won’t be able to get off the territory,” He smiles.

I sit on my bed and pout. “Tell Uncle Henry I don’t feel well.”

“You aren’t going to miss the ceremony, Amber,” Dad says. “Now, come to the office, and we’ll all talk,” He says gently.

Tears well up in my eyes.

“Are you crying? My warrior daughter is crying,” He almost mocks me.

I stand up and walk towards him with my head down.

Dad pats my shoulder, “That’s my girl.”

We go downstairs, and Regina is talking to Nina while my niece and nephews run all over the living room. Gabriel is sitting with Dylan in the kitchen.

“Dylan, I need you to come with me,” Dad orders my brother.

Gabriel smiles at me, “So, the Brooks twins are your mates.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I snarl at him.

“Amber,” Dad admonishes him. “Don’t cuss in front of the pups.”

I roll my eyes and follow him out of the house. We get into his truck and drive to the packhouse. My heart beats against my chest as Lilith becomes frantic again.

‘Mates,’ She keeps repeating.

I hold my head and try to block her out.

“That won’t help until you confront them,” He says as he parks the truck.

I slide out of the truck and look at the packhouse. My grandfather is standing outside smoking as we walk up.

“Don’t let Phyllis catch doing that, Norm,” Dad pats his chest.

“Oh, Phyllis knows, Flynt,” Grandpa smiles. He looks at me. “Amber, I swear you have grown since the last time I saw you.”

“It’s only been a year, Grandpa,” I say as he hugs me.

“And here I am to welcome the newest alpha of Shadow Winds,” He laughs. “And a new gamma,” He winks at Dylan.

“Deacon is going to be a great Alpha,” I say.

“Amber,” Dad calls to me.

“I have to go to the office,” I mutter.

“So, I heard,” Grandpa smirks. “Good luck.”

I trudge into the house and am greeted by my grandmother, aunt, and cousin.

“The Brooks twins?” Kaylee looks at me with a huge smile.

I say nothing and look at the ground, “Who?”

“You know who,” Kaylee punches my arm.

“Amber will talk to you later, Kaylee,” Dad pulls on my arm.

The scents of my mate overwhelm me as we walk down the hall to the office. I can hear male voices talking as we get closer. I start to resist and stop.

Dad pulls on me and nods at Dylan. They both manage to drag me into the office. Uncle Henry sits behind his desk while the visiting alpha sits in a chair in front of the desk. Beta Burt and Lewis are standing against the wall with who I assume to be the visiting beta.

My mates are also standing against the wall. Both sets of eyes follow my every movement as I am pulled into the office.

Uncle Henry rises from his chair, “Sit,” He gestures to the open seat.

“No, I think I’ll stand,” I mutter.

“Sit in the chair, Amber,” Uncle Henry commands in his deep, alpha tone.

I sigh and do as I am told. I glance at the visiting alpha, who is grinning widely at me. I look down as I feel their eyes on my back.

“Amber,” Uncle Henry says gently. “Look at me, sweetie.”

I look up at him and smile.

“There’s your Momma’s smile,” He grins back at me. “Now, would you care to tell me what happened earlier?”

I shrug, “Nothing happened.”

“Amber,” Uncle Henry’s tone goes from gentle to serious. “Tell us the truth.”

My hands tremble as my throat becomes dry. “I-I-“

“She is our mate,” one of the twins blurts out.

“Yeah, and she ran,” The other one adds.

“Amber, why did you run?” Uncle Henry asks with a serious tone.

“I got scared,” I shrug.

“You don’t get scared,” Henry laughs. “Are these two gentlemen your mates,” He gestures, but I refuse to look at the twins.

“I guess,” I shrug.

“You guess?” Uncle Henry presses.

I take a deep breath, “Yes, Uncle Henry, they are my mates.” I confirm.

“Wonderful,” the visiting alpha claps. “She will be a wonderful addition to our pack.”

“What?” I look at him wide-eyed.

“You are coming home with us,” The other alpha looks at my uncle. “Right, Henry?”

“Yes, Victor,” My uncle responds.

“What?” I look back at my father, “Dad?”

“Amber, you have to go with your mates,” Dad says softly.

“No!” I scream and stand up.

“Calm down, Amber,” Uncle Henry says.

Tears well up in my eyes as everyone starts talking at once. I look up, and the twins are right in front of me. The one with longer hair looks longingly at me and reaches out to me. I back away from him but run into the other one.

“Amber,” One of them says.

“I’m Tyler Brooks,” Long hair smiles at me. “And this is my twin Skylar.”

I glance at the office door, wondering how far I can run before I am caught again.

“Amber, why don’t you go to the conference room and talk to your mates,” Uncle Henry suggests.

I shake my head, “No, I would-“

“Amber, go to the conference room and talk to your mates,” Uncle Henry commands me.

“Dad?” I say as I resist the command.

“Do as you are told, honey,” He says softly.

I am compelled to follow my uncle’s command. I walk into the conference room with the twins right behind me. I put as much distance between us as possible, “So, let’s get this over with.”

“What?” Tyler asks as he and his brother stalk toward me.

I back up until I am against the wall. I take a deep breath.

‘Don’t do it,’ Lilith whimpers.

“I, Amber Elyse Payne, rej-“

I am interrupted by Tyler’s hand over my mouth, “What are you doing?” He asks.

“Rejecting you,” I blurt out. “I don’t want a mate let alone two.”

“That makes three of us,” Skylar sputters.

“Sky,” Tyler hisses.

“Look, we don’t want you,” Skylar growls. “We have a Luna, and she isn’t you,” He sneers at me.

I glare back at him. “Then let me reject you. We will all get what we want.”

“Oh, no, we still need you, sweetheart,” Skylar grins, sending chills down my spine. He reaches out and slides his hand down my cheek, making me shudder.

Tyler stands silently beside his twin.

Their scents overwhelm me, and I am compelled to stay with them. “Well, I don’t need either of you,” I tremble as I speak.

“You are going to come back to Nightstar with us whether you want to or not,” Skylar snarls. “That or we will start a war with your pack. You may have stronger warriors, but we are bigger and have more money. We will crush Shadow Winds.”

Tears well up in my eyes, “I hate you.”

“Feeling is mutual,” Skylar snarls and storms out of the room.

Tyler lingers and looks at me sympathetically, “I don’t feel the same way my brother does.” He touches my cheek and then leaves.

I stand in the corner of the conference room for a few minutes until my father walks in.

“Amber,” He touches my shoulder.

I silently follow him back to the office. The twins stand against the wall while Uncle Henry talks to their father.

“Amber,” Uncle Henry beckons for me to sit in the chair again.

I shake my head and lean against my father.

“Henry,” Dad speaks up.

My uncle approaches me, “Amber, sweetie, I have reached a deal with Victor. You will go to Northstar tomorrow morning.”