
Chapter 4 - Alpha Loren

October 10th

It was an unusual but attractive scent coming from the other side of the border. It was interesting and peculiar and somehow built enough curiosity up inside me to compel me to gingerly cross the borderline, the gentle crunch of the leaves resonating from my steps in the otherwise silent forest.

I suddenly paused and took in a short breath, realising what I had done. Stepping into another Alpha's territory... in the middle of the night...? Did I want a premature death?

But after a few agonising moments, the forest remained still and I let my anticipation crumbled. After a deep sigh of relief, I almost laughed how easily I had let fear grip me and stepped further into the unknown territory.

After all, I still hadn't found the source of that scent.

I pushed a low branch with a brittle network of twigs out my path and kicked up a mass of leaves with every kick. Judging by the fact that there was no beaten track, wolves clearly didn't often cross this territory which brought the question of 'why' to my attention but I quickly pushed the thought away as the scent got stronger.

The most curious thing about it was that no noise accompanied it. There was no rustling in the bushes, no footsteps anywhere around me, no faint evidence of breathing and not a single gesture of life. Everything was quiet and it no longer seemed so peaceful. An air of eerieness seemed to descend amongst the trees and it unsettled me.

Just as the idea of turning back was becoming very appealing, a voice sounded.

"Hello," it said.

"Shit," I cursed as a jolt of surprise seized me.

I whipped around to see the figure of a man before me. How the fuck did he creep up on me so quickly and so discretely?

I looked up slowly. His sheer height made his size immense regardless of the breadth of his shoulders and strength of his build. It was enough to intimidate me and I took pride in being particularly hard to frighten.

He wore the black hood from his sweater over his head so that it left his eyes covered. His face had a menacing expression about them with defined cheekbones casting shadows on his chin and outlining his sharp jawline creating something exceedingly beautiful but at the same time chilling and cold.

"What do we have here?" He said his words dripping with amusement. 

I stayed totally silent and stumbled back a few steps.

"You appear to be on my territory little wolf," He continued in a melodic voice.  He had a slight accent elongating his words, only intensifying the fluidity of his voice.

"I-I was just leaving. I'm sorry," I said quickly.

He let out a short laugh, "Leaving already? You haven't even told me your name... or more importantly why you dared cross my border without permission."

"It was a mistake," I said. "I'll go now."

"No," he said, after looking me up and down. "... You can stay."

It felt like more of a command than an invitation.

"What kind of man would leave a pretty girl like you alone in the woods?" he said. "It's late and cold. Let me take you to somewhere warm."

"I'll be fine on my own," I said, not loving the idea of going anywhere with him. "Thank you though."

By this point, he had stepped close enough to reach forward and run a long finger along my cheek before pausing at my chin. I froze. 

His touch was so soft and gentle yet it triggered something powerful inside me. I could feel his stare burning into me but I refused to look back. I kept my eyes fixated on a tree ahead, completely still and quiet.

"There's something intriguing about you," he said eventually. 

I said nothing.

"You're different," he continued.

I forced a smile, "I'm flattered but I've really got to go."

He let out a short laugh and only brought his fingers to my hair and then down to my neck again.

"That's not how this is gonna work, Sweetheart," he said. "Now would you please look at me?"

He then reached for his hood and pulled it down revealing his whole face. From the corner of my eye, I caught sight of some tousled dark blonde hair and a well-sculpted broad forehead appendaged with dark, thick eyebrows and a perfectly shaped nose.  But I couldn't bring my self to look into his eyes. For some inexplicable reason, I was terrified of what I might see.

"Look me in the eye," he demanded.

"No," I said keeping my eyes on the tree. "I can't."

"So you're a defiant one? All the more fun for me," he said grabbing my face in one of his huge hands and forcing me to face him.

I scrunched my eyes shut. 

"Open your eyes. Do not make me say it twice," He ordered in a firm authoritative tone. He didn't even have to raise his the volume of his voice before some subconscious instinct made me do it.

I cautiously and slowly opened my eyes only to reveal the most beautiful eyes in existence. They were a brilliant shade of blue with a dark outer rim and gold flecks streaked through them like intricately woven threads. Nothing like what I expected at all. But underneath the comforting mask of colour, was an underlying evil. Something that sparked a churning sensation deep inside.

My wolf was screaming something in my ear. Just a four-letter word. And that is what I feared, not the eyes. The concept that this man, stood tall and dangerous in front of me is my...


A little grin twitched at my lip as I looked up to him. 

The more I looked into those beautiful eyes, the more I was sure. His touch, his voice, his scent. It all added up. 

This man is my mate.

He now smiled and held out his hand out to me. 

Oh, the smile. He was simply the most handsome man I'd ever had the joy of looking on. The way his face creased with it and the way it triggered indented dimples in his cheeks to form and his brightly coloured eyes to glint even more. It made me forget how terrifying he had previously seemed.

"Who are you?" I asked as I shook his hand. 

"Your mate I suppose," he said deeply trailing his hand up to hold my face. I stood there in complete stillness utterly hypnotised by the mellow tone of his voice.  "Pleased to meet you."

I slowly brought my hand to his soft cheek, passing his impeccable jawline and lips. He placed his hand on top of mine.

A few moments later our fingers were entwined.

"I knew there was something about you," he said.

I smiled and let him kiss my hand.

I then caught his scent again. It was so rich and authoritative and his eyes so blue and mesmerising and his build so powerful and strong. He was just like they described him.

Just how my father used to describe the man every wolf feared.

"Alpha Leonardo Loren," I whispered.

His eyebrow raised.

"I mean... urgh... you remind me of him," I said quickly.

"I do?" he replied an amused smile creeping onto his lips.

I nodded.

"Why thank you. I hear he's very handsome," he joked.

I blushed and looked down for a moment to hide it from him.

"But since I'm still standing here alive I would assume you are not."

"Why's that?" he asked.

"Because of the stories. The evil, the suffering, the fear, the death that he brings to everyone in his path. They used to terrify me. They still do in fact."

"Then we should get out of this dark forest," he said taking my hand. "We wouldn't want to come across anybody like that tonight."

"Wait, my home is this way," I said resisting his gentle pull in the opposite direction. "I live in Kellington."

"Kellington? What are you doing so far from home this late at night?" he asked.

"I was on a run," I said.

He narrowed his eyes and let out a low hum before he tugged my hand again, "Well, you must be exhausted. Come, come."

"So I need to go home," I repeated.

He smiled again but this time with a little twinge of frustration.

"You're coming home with me," he replied pulling me with a little more force further away from the border. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can't," I said. "My brother will worry about me and I have to be at work at 7 am-."

He let out a short breath, "Your brother will be informed. Don't worry about your job. Now come with me."

I furrowed my eyebrows and opened my mouth to speak but closed it shortly after.

"Come," he repeated when I made no movement. 

He looked and spoke as if he was fighting hard not to lose his patience but did he not hear me?

"What?" was all I could say.

"Do I have a halfwit as a mate? I don't know what simpler way to put it," he said, his face straightening. "You are coming with me," he added slowly and clearly. 

"Why?" I questioned. 

"Because you..." he said pulling me closer to his chest, "Are mine now." 

I stood for a moment inhaling his alluring scent, pulling me into his trance. 

He then took my hand firmly and continued walking.

" I don't even know your name and I'm supposed to come home with you? And who's pack is this?" I asked, suddenly snapping out of his spell. "And who gave you the right to decide what I do?"

He didn't answer but his grip on my hand tightened.

"Wait," I ordered, stopping moving again. "I demand that you answer my questions and stop dragging me like some kind of animal!"

"For fuck's sake," he growled before spinning me around and grabbing my arms, pulling me into his chest. "I tried to be calm and gentle with you but now I have lost my patience."

I tried to shove him off me but he was impossibly strong. So as I wriggled and squirmed, I felt his eyes on me. He glanced down at my neck, uncovered by my hair before looking back at my face.

"Don't even bother trying to fight me. You can't win," he said still with a low growl. "Now what is your name?" He said still in a deep but softer voice. 

"Get the fuck off me," I answered before trying to struggle out of his grip again. And yes I have an awful mouth, little kids can learn a lot from drunk dads. 

"Beautiful name," he remarked.

I managed to break a hand free and slap him across the face. A notion of anger swept over his features turning the amused expression into one of indescribable rage. The gentle being that was once stood in front of me was gone now. In his place a murderous monster. 

He pulled me back into him, this time, pinning my back against his chest and wrapping a tight arm around my throat. 

I stopping fighting him and instead brought my hands to his arm, trying to ensure it doesn't take what little capacity to breathe I had left. For the first time in my memory, I felt helpless and unsafe. This man could do anything and I don't know him enough to know he wouldn't.

"This whole stubborn empowerment thing is really hot, but save it for the bedroom sweetheart," he growled. "Now did I mention how I don't like repeating myself? What is your name?"

"You have not told me yours," I gasped. "Yet you are the one dragging me through a forest in the opposite direction to my home."

His grip tightened around my throat and I whimpered.

He laughed as I clasped at his shirt with my fingers, "Please let me go."

"I love it when they start begging," He articulated wickedly. "It always comes with desperation."

"Please," I whispered.

loosened his gr

tually block my windpipe but the panic had t

e asked again, his l

a," I sai

e before twirling me

led and too

ike the Moon Goddess clearly wants. You will submit and obey. You won't raise any questions and you won't disrespect me or

k in my lungs, I was angry. How dare he use his streng

ction was enough for me to slip out his arms and run. He didn't seem to be followin

s voice say coldly from not far away as if he had allowed

l. Total

my back flat on it, frantically searching for a branch to use

st that long though," My m

hat's hard when so much fear and adrenaline is pumping through your body. I

rfect one no more t

ard. Either I had misjudged how far away the tree was or I had lost this little game of

y under his breath, before he pinned me tightly to a tree, st

hort breath in

g to your attention who I a

o be a higher rank wolf but as a rogue that mea

you already know," he said brushing a d

nd piercing and the little thought that had been toying at my con

added, his voice co

d the descript

ha Leonar

a smile, confirming what I

firmed. "Alpha Leonardo Lore


rd scurrying towards our warm beds. We knew that if we were quick he would tell us a story.  We snuggled tigh

the door slightly open allowing a small

small rocking chair in-bet

cary one Dad!?" Con

nightmares again now do we?" My D

please, pleas

ell," He sai

's brave and he's scary. Some say just one of his deathly glares can paralyse a grown man, leaving him defenceless. They call him 'the bringer of darkness' after all the misery and despair

packs?" I as

ilessly killing anyone who tries to stop him&

our pack will he?"

g any darkness here

r had just cleared leaving the eerie moon to sit all alone in the sky. The teasing stars twinkled around it fading and brightening as the night went on. A few members of The S

bsp;whispered to another as a few leaves a

.' He repl

be just a sheep' th

t said as a low grumble ema

pack," My Dad said his voice growing deeper and more sincere as he spoke. Connor and I were cowering under our

boys went is not known for definite, but It is believed that he took them and is training them up to become soldiers, to become warriors, to prepare for something bigger, to prepare for a war to end all wars. Nobody really knows what to expect but one thing is for certain 'The bringer of Darkness' is the most bruta

nnor and I were tr

obably not even true." He said gently stroking our hair out

exist doesn

re. You don't need to worry Ella."

uietly my child's curio

hild," he replie

at is hi

ave and sincere. He looked down the hall, presumably to c

n terrify darkness. After that sort of story, Connor would always jump across to my be

idden darkness that was now beginning to expose itself with his anger.

sp;sweetheart," The Alp

looking helplessly up at him, "

s but never would I use them to hurt my mate,"

I no

th.  "Are you going to come easily o


ainly had the power to force me if I didn't. So not really wanting to get o

come," I sa

mile on his face before he took my hand

nutes, our hands entwined, his grippin

we going?" I a



e anxious,"

ed, "I'm sure you're used to peo

you I won't hur

d, "You've already half strangled me and

me yet," he said, "But you will liv

a dictionary, Le

elieve so,

"Because, I may be delusional, but in my world, there's

gh, "A man like me, huh? Wh

hand out of his, "You'r

u say?" He growled

ys here comes stu

said trying my hardest to sound like he wa


owled, crouching down to my level in

to," I said, "It's the t

ely, "Do not disrespect me," he sa

ng as my wolf would let me before I h

.  "Now come," he continued a little more gently taking my hand and starti

l carry you through this forest ki

number if you want. Please just let me go home and finish school and go to college. T

ed. "Even if that idea was remotely attractive, it wouldn't be possible. There will be wol

rrowed my

eakness. It's the rogues mainly, but other packs too. They have people constantly watching and now you are their prime target. You are safe with me, they wo

I still felt like something was there. I shuddered a

tood up and hel

over at the border through the dark fores

ck car parked on the edge of the forest. He unlocked it as we approach before opened the pass

row forest track whiz by as I appreciated the soft leather of th

still in a car with not only a stranger but Alpha

s as I thought of Connor sat at home worrying and having no idea where I was. My

briefly looking down at me before

o you think?

efore I proposed the concept o

I don't remember having a s

sed to be together..." he mumbled under his breath. "


surname with his accent, like he had h

me, my eyes, my hair, my body like

s all he replied with.

wiped my tears with

reek of vodka?" he

plied, "And my brother will b

a party why did you go

and I needed some time alone," I his

y Western border," he said, "You had pl

owed, "What

ng in my wolf form. I'd been practically u

s 3 am," h

ttered, "I need to

ne from my pocket but

No ba

hone," I said, my voice cracking

orried. So would

e Leo," was

have a phone?

family a letter in t


not call

o," I correct

lder brother, righ

I no

he morning," he replied.

ring where I am," I said,

my question,"

my question,"

ey me like that you can kiss y

e I smelt you in the woods," I said leaning on the car

nearly as st

t the teenage attitude righ

you get when you kidnap

gether, but for some reason, you

gure that one out?" I

me why,"

want to bore you,

l me," he

iss my friends an

can visit,"

e me a look. "Two, I want to finish high school and go

rals??" he

'm only 17 and I'm not old enough for this and everything that comes with it. I don't want kids for

everything you need. Three, if you don't like who I am, tough. Four, do what I want you to do and I won't have t

e feel so much better,"

're welco

call me babe

are giving orders to

s man can't be my mate. Th

m you now face, you are not going home," he said, "Besid


just met," I s

s so we will act acco

ntil you can respect me too, I will n

ingers along my skin. I swatted his hand ignoring the tingles shoot

me to carry on," He replied taking the hint and re

ss windows. Leo lead me to the door and I watched as he unlocked the door with a simple key. The insides were just as beautiful

what you expected?" He

chains, the dungeons?" I asked looking at the pristine floors and walls. There were ev

to kinky stuff?" He

that that is not what I me

the left. I just need to finish some pack work.

om?" I quest

ar with the term? Basically ju

earlier that I am not getting

the floor. I don't c

e top, I came to a long hallway, lined with windows facing out into the forest on one side and doors on the other. I turned left and entered the first door. The walls were cream

lf as an optimist- at least th

t home, one filled with men's clothes drenched in his scent and one completely empty. The last door was

ird amount of bedrooms; a huge library; a room with a piano and nothing else; a room that looked like a meeting with a table and 20 cha

single locked room and hatch

ut onto the roof so nat

heard Leo's footsteps come up

you doing up th

I leant my back against the roof ti

o to the first room on the l

there. Then I left. Now here w

ing. I didn't care about the

the hatch, grabbed wrists before

nother night," he said as he cl

floor with his bedroom before I passed the

ed, "Where ar

in this house. I thought I'd mak

one," he said poi

e offer but... goodnig

bedroom but before I could even pass the

oving me through the door of his ro

my opinion means