
Chapter 1 - ALPHA KANE


You've got to be kidding me right now.

I gape widely at Kane as I watch him as he comes down the stairs twirling the car keys around his finger, smirking at me as I hold hands with my two children, Caelan and Lisla.

"Ready to go into town babe?" Kane smiles handsomely at me and I blink and stare at him, completely dumbfounded as to why he's here right now.

"Wait- What... What do you think you're doing? Didn't you have an important meeting today?" I quiz him and he shrugs and picks up Lisla from beside me, she wraps her arms around Kane's neck and she giggles when he tickles her with his beard as he kisses her cheek.

Kane leans in and kisses me on the lips, his breath smells like fresh mint, I didn't even notice from the kiss that he opened the door behind me, he leans back and smirks at me. "I pushed it back to spend time with my family." He says with a wink.

I hold onto Caelans hand with a frown as I watch him walk with Lisla to the car. "Your daddy is impossible, huh Cae?" I say down to my little boy.

Caelan shrugs and I can't help but fear he is the exact mini replica of Kane, both the men in my life are very cheeky, stubborn, and thick-skinned, our children are both four, and every day they act more and more like Kane, thankfully Lisla takes more after me, thank god, two Kanes is too much!

I follow Kane and strap Caelan into the car seat just as Kane does with Lisla in the back seat, he's sat in the front driver seat and I can see his smug grin from the mirror in front of him.

He's so sneaky.

I have a sneaky suspicion he only pushed back the meeting because he is being overprotective but won't admit it, after I told him I was taking the children to Deepwater to have a mini-vacation, instantly I could feel how it made Kane and his wolf feel, I can feel all his emotions when it involves me and the children going anywhere.

Even after all these years and since the first day we met, he hasn't changed a single bit.

It's what I love about him though.

Getting into the seat next to him he starts the car and he drives off, I turn the radio on and soft music fills the speakers with music both the children and I enjoy, Kane doesn't mind, only recently he started enjoying listening to music because of the children.

"Daddy, can we get ice pops?" Caelan asks Kane as I tap my finger to the song 'Dirty Paws'.

Kane grunts, looking in the mirror to stare at his son. "Have you been good to your mom?" He asks Caelan and I see my little boy's head bob innocently in the back seat, making me smile widely.

He's so cute.

I poke Kane on his leg, gaining his attention. "Of course you can baby, daddy will get you one when we get into town, won't you, daddy?" I chuckle and stick to tongue out at Kane, to which he just shakes his head and grins, he squeezes my leg with his hand and sighs.


Both kids in the backseat cheer and it's peaceful again, we pass the beautiful tall trees I've missed so much from the human realm and it reminds me of the first time I came to Deepwater five years ago in Lucas's truck.

It seems like it happened in a past life, so much since then has changed, Kane is king and we moved to The Vale shortly after he passed the title to Alpha to Lucas, his beta and best friend. Amanda and Troy now have moved into a much larger home Kane had made with Lucas in his spare time and it's absolutely beautiful and right next door to the house Kane built for me.

Even after so many years, we decided to keep the house and use it whenever we can slip away from royal duties within The Vale, which we take advantage of whenever we can. Kane loves being King but it's a very hard job and stressful, if I noticed anything by now it's that Kane HATES paperwork.

As queen I have taken on half of his duties, the parts he doesn't want to do I do for him, I meet and show around leaders of the new human realm around The Vale and host dinner parties and charities, we even do something new and host human teens in our schools in The Vale, it was actually Kane's idea which completely threw me off guard.

I made Kane's idea possible and now we have visitors from all around the world visiting on a daily basis, it's become sort of a hot spot for vacationers and thrill-seekers since The Vale is full of creatures of all kinds, it's not for the faint-hearted, there are still many dangerous things in The Vale, from food to flowers that can harm the human body, even kill them if not inspected properly.

We arrive in town and it's thriving with people enjoying the summer break that is currently happening within New Zealand, people from all around the world visit to go hiking and explore during this time, more so now than ever because of how famous this place has become since the war.

Kane finds a spot and parks the car, he turns off the engine and then turns to look at me then the children in the backseat who are excited and looking out of the windows at all the shops and boats.

"Right." He stares down his children who know what's coming next from Kane's mouth.

"No running off, no fighting, and definitely no talking to strangers, you understand?" He says in his Alpha tone and both children nod their heads sternly.

I unhook the seatbelt and open the door, Kane does the same as we open the door to the back door to get the twins from their seats and put them down beside us. I grab my bag and purse from the front seat and then hold onto Lisla's hand who stands near me waiting impatiently as she looks around with wide eyes at all the tourists and stores with people selling things.

Caelan is holding onto Kane's hand when I walk up to Kane, he holds onto my free hand and we begin to walk to the seafront, it's beautiful this time of year, all the boats are here from traveling, they make port for two reasons, the food, and the weather.

"Momma look!" Lisla points to a man dressed in a wolf costume and I laugh when I realize who he's dressed as the kids begin to grow excited when the man in the wolf costume spots us and makes his way towards us.

"Woah, there's daddy, let's go say hi and take a photo!" I say with a smile as both my kids scream yes, making Kane roll his eyes.

The man comes up to us and bends down to my children and begins to sniff them playfully as Caelan and Lisla begin to stroke the man's costume causing me to giggle, I turn to see Kane unimpressed by the whole thing and it makes me giggle harder.

While the kids ask the man questions I take my phone from my bag, I walk over to the man and bend down slightly. "Is it okay if I take a photo?" I ask politely while the kids fuss over the man's giant teddy paws.

"Of course!" The man says happily and then bends down to put both paws around both my smiling children who beam up at me and Kane as I open my phone camera and snap a few photos.

Kane snorts when I thank the man and try to shake his hand, which is impossible by how large the costume paw is, almost realistic in size, the whole thing makes me laugh simply because of how annoyed Kane is.

The man walks away and I lace my hand with Kanes. "Oh, c'mon wolfman, it was pretty funny."

look fu- nothing like that, did yo

some ice cream, salty caramel, or bubblegum?" I a

at him. "Salty caramel." He says as h

"I'll be back in a second." I call out as I walk ov

and wait, Kane mind links me to let me know that Amanda, Lucas, and the

be incredibly uncomfortable with this but since the war ended, I have gotten used to being known and stared at, this much doesn't bother me at all anym

but it's now the


yes land on someone I thought I would never see ag

s he stares at me surprised, his eyes tr

es me wonder why the hell he is here in New Zealand, the last time I saw

lo, T

is hair is shorter and he is no longer a skinny thin man, he has some muscl

ook great Sora, wow." He says and nods my

ank you.. what brings

ctually here with my wife and daughter, we'

ds, I look at him surprised. "Uh, can we talk? If you let me

e?' Kane asks through

poor man, no not might, he will actually try and kill him, Kane knows all ab

"Uh sure, okay, let's

ne' I mink

ite me. "I didn't think I'd see you again after what I did..

Amanda, my friend from school.. after.. well, a

oint in my life, I don't want to make excuses for myself, what I did to you was shi

Tom, your life was heaven for people like me, y

me off, I was broke and I owed a lot of money to dangerous people, I hit rock bottom

was upset and I wasn't thinking clearly whe


got upset and broke the water pipe.. I fucked up and honestly, despite everything I did, I did love y

out a check note. "Please, let m

Tom. I thought about it for a long time and I don't want to dwell on the past, if anything I should thank you

the edge of his jacket sleeve with his free hand. "Sorry, it's just.. It means a lot.. th

ening voice makes me jump and I know who it


his isn't what it looks like." I remove my hand from Toms and Kane is furious

into Tom angrily. "WHO THE FUCK IS HE?" Kane growls out deadly and I grimace, knowing his wolf is now pr

lease drop him." I say calmly as I put my palm o

snaps his eyes to Tom and he releases his shirt,

or so help

h and groan out. "T

ut my hands on his chest, stopping him from doing what I know he was thinking of doing to him

up and rubbing the rest of the tears from his face a

his mouth before a so

out as she stands beside Tom and looks at him worried

olf. "I'm okay.. I, er.. Kate, t

is head, and then her eyes bulge when she snaps her

and I smile tightly at what she

t you." I say forcing a smile as I feel Kane's anger radiating o

rvously as her eyes meet Kanes and then m

" He says annoyed and I nudge

erewolf mate.. holy crap, I don't know what I'm more surprised

ust er.. you know, telling her h

ly with a sad smile as she

We got ic

ously, much like his father is doing right now, I chuckle and bend down. "Wow, that looks yummy,

ll girl holding onto the woman's hand. "Ah there you are, I thought you got lo

h the girl in his arms, she has cute pigtails and is licking an ice cream l

she shyly looks away from me, ca

e waiting for us. "It was really nice to see you again Tom, and it was nice to meet you Kate, and Ellie, but we h

iting too, I'm glad I got to see you Sora, and you too Alpha King, I er,

s hand out to shake Toms's hand and smiles. "Sorry for almost killing you

hand and pulls back, Kate looks relieved

t help but laugh when Kane frowns, Tom and Kate laugh and then we say our goodbyes

ways think I'm joking

walk, I can't help but laugh as he shakes his head. "I

seriously. "Let's go eat

ck his arm. "Ka

e I see Kane grinning smugly without a care in the worl

e." I mutter out quietly,

mely at me and shr

and laugh and shake m

nge a single thing