
Chapter 5 - Alpha Elias: Ravishing Avabella



I was fuming when Elias left. It wasn’t because our making out was put to a halt but because I let myself respond to his hard and addictive kiss. ¡Dios mío! I shouldn’t have let myself be seduced and respond like that! I just hated myself right now.

I put a hand on my forehead, still lying on the huge bed with a fresh sheet. I turned to look at the door that swung open. Diego rested a shoulder against the doorjamb, crossing his arms and looking intently at me.

“¿Qué?” I asked him “what” in our Spanish language since he was staring at me keenly, like he was already bombarding me with questions. But I tried to ignore those “silent questions” he had for me.

He grinned. One of his lopsided ones. He looked more handsome when he smiled, seriously speaking. However, he chose the individuals to give his precious smile. Of course, he was always ready for it for our family. And I was lucky since I was family.

“Wolf lover seems annoyed when he left,” he teased.

I rolled my eyes and averted my eyes from him. I looked at the cream-colored ceiling, since there was no cover on the four posts of the bed. “He’s not my lover,” I answered evenly.

“You know, I already noticed he’s been pursuing you since he met you.”

My brows furrowed. “What did you just say?”

His eyebrows lifted. “You didn’t know? I didn’t know you’re dumb, cousin.”

I sat down on the bed, facing him. “Hey! I’m not dumb! I just don’t want to assume or anything. Plus, he didn’t say anything when we met twice, outside France!” I pointed out. “And it wasn’t like he’s courting me either. He’s just… I don’t know.” I shrugged. I wasn’t sure what Elias was or what he was doing. He already declared I’m his. I mean, what the heck? Did he really have to say it and seduce me like that? I was darn sure that it was easy for someone like him to seduce some girl. He was very good looking and all. I wasn’t sure about wolves, but I knew that vampires loved to bang humans or not, as long as they were not enemies. That was based on what I learned and experienced. Well, not personal experience but my cousin’s and Nianzu’s. They were… yeah, insatiable in terms of that. So, I was sure Elias was doing the same thing. After all, sex was something that an individual must perform from time to time, right? It’s one of a person’s needs.

I backpedaled. I never needed sex in my life. I had never done it before, since… I kicked it out of my mind. I didn’t want to go back and entertain that buried memory.

Diego stepped closer to me, stopping just a few meters away from the bed. The door was left open. I could clearly hear Elias telling Iago he was leaving, although it was faint. I didn’t want to eavesdrop, so I didn’t know what they were saying after that. I could scent our family members that just arrived at the castle. Nianzu was with them.

Diego’s eyes pierced mine. “Avabella, I know what you’re thinking. As you very well know now, like I do, wolves are persistent when it comes to their mates. Just look at Maria Adriana and Iago.”

I raised an eyebrow, giving him my bitchy face. “I’m not like Maria Adriana. Of course, Iago is very attractive and everything, so I can’t really blame her for falling for him in the end. Or maybe from the start. But I’m different. I don’t want to be like that. I don’t want to be bound by some wolf just because he’s imprinted on me, Diego. It’s not my problem.”

He snorted. “Selfish cousin.”

I stood up in vampire speed and I was right in front of him. I pointed a finger on his muscled chest. “I am, sometimes. Not everytime. But… I do admit Elias is…” I sighed. “He does make me feel something,” I whispered, afraid that someone might hear me. I swallowed and looked away. I couldn’t stand Diego’s teasing look. “Don’t tell anyone about it.”

He laughed at that. “My dear cousin, everyone right here has supernatural senses. That includes hearing. I think everyone in the castle, even outside, already heard what you said.”

I flushed at that and hit his shoulder with a backfist. He groaned in pain but laughed afterward.

or you to have a lover at least? You’re mi

both groaned in pain. I saw the blood coming out of his busted lip. But the wound readily closed up.

hat the

y shoulder with a sweet smile. “Or maybe I’ll wish she’s an easy one and you can’t avoid her even if you’re sick with her! You know, the clingy one? I want to see your annoyed ugly face. The type that makes

,” he said as a matter of factly, following me through the hallwa

un, don’t you think?” I grinned at him sweetly. “I can just imagine how frustrated you will be. You can’t bang her for some reason! That should make you ache down there.” I snicke

er happen, Avabel

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with them like this. It was so good, which I could not describe. If Mama was still alive, I was sure she’d be over the moon, just like our last family gathering. It ended tragic

d huge double doors. Iago carried Alejandro in his strong ar

rm blood in our tall glasses. Meanwhile, the two human kids were drinking fresh orange

ave in his wolf form, Iago,” Ma

that’s why he stopped kiss

urity just as he advised. I’m

ur people to go after Alpha E

in the middle of the big room. His eyes wandered to the Vampire Queen. “I mean, he di

learn that, Avabella,” Maria Adriana

Diego quickly filled in. His eyes had an evil amusement glinting there.

at the huge round table, which was made of marble and was covered by a violet tablecloth. Both of them chuckled. I believed they were now t

mall, tight smile and a playfu

a Elias will be back by then, don’t you think?”

l the powers zing in my blood. I don’t know but it was like the first time I felt like this. It wasn’t like I just

said. “He has to ‘finish’ something yet. Right,

feeling giddy. ¡Maldición! Why was I feeling exhilarated just beca

lpha Kin

I saw him before. I heard he was one of Elias’ two Betas, Yani

as readily on his feet. So w

dish brown hair, green eyes, slightly bushy eyebrows, straight nose, and pale pink lips, with angular face. He had

to his Omega, who readily

de. The children were instructed to stay the

a gorgeous redhead wearing only a shirt. I was sure as hell she was naked underneath. Her nipp

hy is Elias after her? And where is he now?’ My mind was bu

new there was one there. Okay, that was the secret, which wasn’t so since… hello? It was the lobby! ¡Di

ted to see it and was about to follow, while Diego, Adriana and Iag

had an alarmed face. Yanick beside him was not moving at all

d dark military-cut hair, clean-shaven boyish face, blue-green eyes, flaring nostrils and reddish lips. He was tall, well-built a

ndsome face split into a grin.

ore she looked at me. “You are

raising my brows. “Me? W