
Chapter 3 - Affairs of the heart (messages to my celebrity crush, searching for her)

"I want to marry her at all cost. Find her! Look for her in every hook and cranny.

Bring her to me with respect as long as she's alive on this earth "I stood on my feet.

"Yes my Lord. The job is done"The leader of my guards said and rushed outside.


Khalid POV

I walked into my Mansion. Just to see only Clara sitting in the living room.

"Sir you are welcome"Clara greeted with her head bowed.

"Where's Dan?"I asked with a straight face.

"In his room. Madam Evan is inside with him"She replied.

"Madam Evan, who gave you the right to call her Madam?"I asked surprised, and she look puzzled.

"She asked me to call her Madam. Please sir don't ask me not to call her Madam. She will kill me if you leave the house "She panicked.

"I understand. Just give me a little time to sort this out. She's not the kind of person to be addressed as a madam.

She doesn't deserve the respect" I said, and she nodded her head.

I strode straight to Dan's room. I saw Evan playing with Dan.

" Dad" Dan shouted on sighting me.

He wanted to run to meet me.

"No Dan, don't run I am coming to you," I said, as he sit back.

I went to him and carried him.

"Dad where were you, that you refused to come home since I am back from the hospital?"He asked in his babyish voice.

"Are you angry with dad? Well, dad went to your school to attend your PTA meeting, and again to tell you a teacher that you are not feeling fine" I said tickling him.

"Really Dad! Hi-five for you" He said and we both shook hands.

"That's great, how's everything?"Evan asked.

Seeing her face disperses me. Now she's talking again. I will just have to play along based on the doctor's instructions.

"Hmm! Have you given Dan his drugs" I asked, and huffed?

I know she will never do that. She's just too useless.

"Clara did that already. Why's she here if she can't give him drugs" Evan said faking a smile.

I know very well that she can't do that herself.

I wonder how she was able to raise him to this age.

"Dan you will be sleeping in Dad's room today. Huh"I said to him.

"Yeah... I love it"He shouted happily.

"Father and son love, am I Included? "Evan asked blushing

Oh my goodness! This is dawn on me. This woman won't stop disturbing my life.

I will have to tolerate her for some time.

en father and son. Common son let us go" I s

s. She can also sleep in your room.

band and wife can sleep in a room. She's not my wife neither am I

my parent. She's my m

r then? So that we can live a happy

rily. I see her smiling

n! She has succeeded in ma

ant to get married to Evan No" I disagree

No, I won't let anything happen to

getting married to an evil woman like

to do? "I thought w

ve with both of my parents. I don't want my friends to

. Lemme think about it" I s

ss! Jazz! Hope th

d you, anything for you," I

love you daddy" H

of the room and he

myself that I was unable



! I am going to get

wife. I will now get the chance to insult those

with my parent for throwing m

ll be freed from my punishme

e only one wh

is payb

agram page would be verified as a cele

and post for the world to

u will be more precious one day. I t

the pillow tightly. My

excited. I need to call

ery happy. Thanks


Clark r


s about this marriage of a thing. What

eady said am not going to get marrie

me? So, I can write my letter

ice. I won't give up until he replied to m

now one thing about y

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l think you are a good and well-mannered

t's in the letter. I am sure Kh

ou are going to disturb his lif

s early grave. Is better you write the let

s exactly what am going to do, but can you te

he come closer. So

arn to keep quiet when I am wr

that you can hit me. I don't like it w

. So, I gat to disturb you. That's the only way to ga

able I think I will have

not satisfied. Don't disturb me again. If not I will pluck

mating me. I will break your bone one day" She said



Khalid Walter is going to be i

orphans. I think this a perfect timing for you to deal w

ll be investing 50million naira. An

r. I will go to her family and

to reject me with my mo

I think the girl stays in Sergiyev P

to that street. But we

and tomorrow everything will be d

ob isn't done by then, just inform your family