
Chapter 5 - Academic Betrayal: The Bullying of a Graduate Student

After my meeting with Professor Caraja I resolved to work harder through the semester so that I could finish the bulk of my coursework and be able to begin the booklist. I would have to digest the list as best I could and then regurgitate it in my comprehensive exam. I vowed to start reading furiously as soon as I received the list. Every class inundated one with as much material as a human being could possibly force inside. The three classes I was taking required the reading of at least fifteen books—around five thousand pages of dense material in each class—and all of them included writing assignments, which included at least twenty pages of carefully thought out term papers per class. Studying and keeping up with the administrative minutiae, combined with my bookselling and commute, made it nearly impossible to work and sleep—once again I became an insomniac.

On December 14, 2010 I received the booklist for Professor Caraja’s custom exam. The list was a daunting thirty-six books that was comprised mostly of dry academic monographs. By that time I was wrapping up my final papers of the semester, which devoured every free moment. The day after the semester ended I began on the booklist. I read day and night, only taking breaks for utter necessities. I was operating on an academic level that I never could have conceived of before grad school. I was also exhausted and frequently depressed.

tion to him in person and through email; he would reply that he was simply doing his job. On several occasions he asked me if I felt comfortable taking the test in February and I told him that I wanted the experience of taking the exam to make me stronger and to push me, even if I did end up failing. Rosencrass and Caraja said that they respected my initiative and they would allow me to take the test, but they were skeptical that any human being could read thirty-six books in roughly two and a half m

at I would have to commute four hundred miles for our meetings and the subsequent exam. I changed the setting of my thesis on Latin

-to-last meeting before the test he told me that he would take on my thesis as long as I understood that he would be on sabbatical in the fall of 2011 and could offer me no help from May 21, 2011 until the fi